20. The Old Article...

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"This is nice, you people create scandals yet are eligible to be a part of the business, whereas I can't even call myself a part of Mhatre Family", Mishka smirked as she drank the wine she held in her hand, sitting on the sofa with legs crossed.

She shifted her gaze towards them, "My dear brothers, you all are very lucky, you get whatever you want and now you all are doing drama... And another thing what is wrong with you all? How did 'who am I to you' change into 'we are together' ? I thought the recent happenings would have made you people really happy"

Aruna looked at her furrowing her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"My dear mother, you were looking for an opportunity just like this, if Shreekant bro is out of the business, the maximum profit is for you three, then why are you showing such fake concern for him? If you can force and make my life a real hell without a single thought, then you can do anything with your most beloved stepsons. This is not a house, it's a live soap opera, everyday new episode"

On hearing Mishka, Aruna came near her and whispered, "Stop your drama and go to your house"

Mishka angrily kept her glass down, "Sure my dear mother, sure... I am going, I have to serve the man you and Dad have chosen for me" She stomped towards the main entrance and turned towards Shreekant, "I may speak harshly, but at least will not think bad about you, get well soon and be careful" and finally left the place.

After a moment of silence that prevailed, Shreekant turned his face towards his father, "Papa, I just came here to take some of the things I need", and tried walking away from the hall till Anant stopped him, "Remember only ten days"

With his back facing the whole family, he slightly turned his head and nodded, "I know it" and went upstairs to his room while Anant muttered clenching his teeth, "I have to do something about that girl, she is disturbing the peace in my family. Why are you people standing like this, go back to your work, the drama for the day is over."

8:00 PM, 2nd April, Outhouse

Amna was sitting in the hall when she opened her bag to take her phone out. As she was taking it out she saw another phone in her bag, "It's Shreekant's phone, maybe while coming back from the hospital, I kept it here by mistake"

Just when she placed it on the table she heard a doorbell. She opened the door, to see Shreekant standing with a man holding his luggage. With a humble nod, she gestured them to come inside.

"You keep my luggage upstairs, the second room on the right", he instructed the man and when the man finally left, both of them sat to discuss the next plan of action.

"Shreekant I had kept your phone by mistake in my bag" He picked up his phone and saw a message from Global Detective Agency which read, "Sir, I tried reaching your number many times yesterday, but then I saw the news. I needed to share some information, please contact us as soon as you get the message"

He showed Amna the same message, "In all this drama, we completely forgot to inform her that we have  already found Neelam"

"Hmm... You are right, inform her right now, she might be wasting her time unnecessarily", Amna exclaimed as she shook her head.

Shreekant dialed the number immediately and the lady on the other side picked the call, "Ma'am, I actually wanted to tell you that we have already found Neelam, but don't worry, you will get the fees for your efforts"

The lady reciprocated, "Sir, that's really good because the thing is that, we have not been able to find her but there is something I need to tell you. Anna Madam gave the information of some Neelam who worked in an NGO but instead I found another person named Neelam who worked as a journalist in Mumbai, not in Pandharpur, but for the newspaper, Bombay Times. I even have an article she wrote there from the newspaper's archives. I have no idea if she is the same woman but I thought this might be of some help. I will send you the article's photo"

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