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- Do you want to go somewhere in particular? - I asked Lux.

- Nah

- Really? You spent literal years alone on a planet and can't think of one place to go?

- Hey, it's not like I knew a lot of this place before I got stuck there! - she complained.

- Okay, okay... So... We just pick a random portal and jump there? - I asked.

- Pretty much.

We chose one that didn't have a lot of people waiting, but that wasn't completely empty, Lux had had enough experience with deserted planets for now.

We appeared in a forest, next to a road, but since we didn't have anything to go with and, judging by the number of people that were walking to the city, it was close, we decided to go on foot.

We had been walking for about ten minutes when we heard a loud roar. Most people screamed and ran, trying to get to the city as fast as they could. Others just disappeared, so I assumed they were teleporting or something like that. Others tried to get as far away from the creature as possible, which meant into the woods. Not a good idea if you ask me.

The point is, in a few moments, Lux and I were alone. I could probably have shadow-traveled us both away, but our demigod instincts kicked on. I willed my huntress bow and arrows to appear, and flipped my ring, willing it to turn into a dagger. I had to try to make the final kill with that so that the monster wouldn't reform.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Lux putting the armchair of her wheelchair up, and pulling out something that looked kind of like a dagger. She placed the top of the armchair in a compartment near the bag and started steeling herself in the direction of the monster.

- Put the dagger away! It won't help! - she shouted.

I didn't question why, or how she knew at the moment. I just did, and with the bow on my hands and the quiver on my back, I ran to follow her. When we finally reached the monster, my heart almost stopped. It was... Something that changed between wolf, lion, tiger, dragon, shark, and every other scary animal you can think of, constantly using the parts it needed most. Lux also paled considerably when she saw it, stopping dead in her tracks and cursing.

- This thing is almost impossible to defeat! Most things won't even harm it!

Just to say I tried, I fried an arrow to its eye. I was about to celebrate for at least leaving it blind when the eye just disappeared and appeared back a few centimeters off.

- And then there's this. It can change into most animals, and not all of them have everything at the same place, so it can basically change everything from its place. - Lux informed me, still white as a sheet.

- At least it protected itself, so the eye is at least a bit vulnerable? - I tried for some optimism, but it came out more like a question.

- Maybe, - she shrugged - but it isn't very useful if it can move its eye. You will never be able to hit it.

Suddenly, it grew a scorpion tail and swung it to us. We avoided it by stepping away, but it separated us.

- Let's just distract it while we try to figure out a way to stop it! - I shouted and started firing arrows to distract it.

As I dodged and attacked, I saw that Lux wasn't doing as well as I was. She was really great at fighting, but the monster had seen the wheelchair as a weakness and had decided to focus more on her. Sometimes, she threw her kind-of daggers, and after every two or three, she got them back by pulling a rope, which connected the chair to the dagger. But mostly, she stabbed the monster every time it came close to her, and although the monster didn't seem very bothered by it, at least it kept it from hitting her.

I knew I had to do something, but I didn't really know anything about the monster. In a split-second decision, I shadow-traveled behind Lux and managed to shadow travel us both before she killed me.

Heyyy sorry its been so longggg ive been feeling quite unmotivated to write latelyy buuut here u have some actionnn

[DISCONTINUED] Lost || A Bianca Di Angelo and Chaos fanfic || Percy JacksonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant