Discontinued - new version

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Hey guys im so sorry but im discontinuing this story.

Honestly i have no idea where this is going and i have no motivation to think about it, so sorryy bianca will never join the chaos army

HOWEVER, im writing another version of this which basically starts the same way but bianca doesnt leave. She meets lux in completely different circumstances and lives different things that what id planned for this fanfic and imo its turning out pretty good (or at least thats what i think now that im writing it lol when i read it again i wont think the same)

Name: Lost || a bianca diangelo fanfic || percy jackson

So here you have the description (basically copied but i added a couple things xd):

Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

One shall be lost in the land without rain,

The bane of Olympus shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's curse must one withstand,

And one shall perish by a parent's hand.


Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Grover Underwood, Bianca DiAngelo and Zöe Nightshade went west to rescue Artemis.

Bianca was lost in the gods' junkyard, the land without rain.

Bessie the Ophiotaurus showed them the trail.

Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace and Grover Underwood were Campers. Zöe Nightshade and Bianca DiAngelo were Hunters. Combined they prevailed.

Percy Jackson held up the sky, the Titan's curse.

Zöe Nightshade recieved her final and fatal blow by her father, Atlas.


The prophecy was complete. But they never found her body. She really was lost, like the prophecy said. And Bianca DiAngelo wanted to keep it that way.


A story in which Bianca doesn't die at the junkyard but has to stay 'lost' so that nobody else dies.

A story in which she meets Lux, her new partner in fights and best friend.

A story in which Bianca doesn't get hate for leaving Nico, but she isn't all right with that.

A story in which, eventually, they cross paths and the prophecy is incomplete again.

I hope you enjoy it if you decide to read it.

And im sorry, really

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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[DISCONTINUED] Lost || A Bianca Di Angelo and Chaos fanfic || Percy JacksonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat