One Shall Be Lost In The Land Without Rain...*

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I knew I didn't have much time. My job was already done, and I just had to get out of there. Unless... No, I couldn't think like that. Percy's shout only confirmed my theory.

- Bianca, no!

I knew I had seconds, in the best-case scenario. Considering I was a demigod, probably less. I couldn't just jump, the robot would crash me. I realized that there was only one way I could possibly escape death. Using powers. There was a small problem with that though. I didn't know who my godly parent was. Hades, I didn't even know if it was my mom or my dad. Maybe I didn't have any power though...

Shut up Bianca, you know perfectly well who your godly parent is! Said a tiny voice in my head.

It wasn't entirely true. I had some suspicions, I had since I had stabbed that skeleton. Even if it was him, I had no idea if I would have that power. I didn't even know if that power even existed.

But it was worth a shot. I closed my eyes, thinking of the first place that came to my mind. For some reason, that was a dark street, with a recording company. There were no other people outside, though the inside was pretty full... How did I even know that? I had no idea what was I trying to do, it was useless. I just had to accept death.

With a start, I realized how had I known that there were no people outside and a lot onside. My eyes were wide open, scanning my new surroundings.

I had been right. Hades was my dad. And I had just traveled through the shadows. Shadow travel, I decided to call it. And I was next to an entrance to the underworld. But most importantly, I was alive.

Suddenly, a line of the prophecy ran through my head. One shall be lost in the land without rain. I was lost to them, my friends probably believed I was dead. I could go back, and make that part of the prophecy incomplete again, probably causing someone else to die, or I could leave, let them think I was dead.

I didn't want anyone to die because of me. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt, so my decision was easy. I had to leave forever, never be found. I had to be lost.

403 words


Okayyy i dont like this author notes buut only this chapter ok?

First of all: I don't in any way own the characters except for my ocs but it will still be a while before a real oc appears so yeah all characters and places in earth belong to rick riordan and if u cant identify them then you better go read the books or this will be hella confusing. Btw i wont  do the disclaimer every chapter its just so annoying when ppl  do and honestly just looking at my writing skills you can know im obviously not uncle rick so yeah

Then, dont really expect me to finish this ok? If you do it will just get your hopes up and then you will be disappointed.

Aanndd finallyy what did you think?? I appreciate feedback and it helps me be more motivated soo plsss vote and comment what do u thinkkk.

(the * is to put which chapters I counted in the nanowrimo (only in the old ones the new ones I update instantly)

[DISCONTINUED] Lost || A Bianca Di Angelo and Chaos fanfic || Percy JacksonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora