Having Dinner With Two Gods Is Really Awkward*

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I froze.

- Father.

Surprisingly, he smiled. It was most definetly something I didn't expect.

- Hello Bianca. Why are you here? - he asked politely. Suddenly I forgot how to speak.

- Uhh... I... - I said, struggling to think of something. Why was I down there? it was a good question.

- Never mind. Come in, will you? - he said.

I silently followed him, while he explained that Persephone was there, so I had to be nice to her, or I had a pretty high chance of being turned into a plant. I explained what had happened with the prophecy, and he told me I had done a good decision by coming down there, as he thought Nico was able to tell when someone he knew died.

- This is your room, Bianca. You can stay as long as you want - he told me before leaving me alone.

The room I was in was mostly black, which I didn't really find strange at all, my dad being the god of the dead and everything. It was quite the opposite of simple (again, not surprising at all, he is also the god of riches), the bed, desk, closet, basically everything in there was covered in precious stones, probably just the mirror would be worth a few thousand dollars. The only thing that wasn't black other than the stones was the bed. It was in the middle of the room, and it was a dark green, my favorite color, the color of the cap I used to wear, the only thing I had left of my mom. It was the same green you see in a forest at night, and at the same time, it was the same green you imagined the fiercest and biggest dragons. It was the green the poisons in all the movies had, yet the green in the eyes you couldn't help but fall for. It was the most beautiful color I had ever seen, and the most dangerous one. I simply loved it. The edges of the blankets were silver, probably due to my recent position as a hunter of Artemis.

I don't know how long I spent there, but at some point, I was brought back to reality by a ghost saying that my father was waiting for me in the dining room. I thanked him and headed there.It took me a few turns to finally realize that I had no idea where the dining room was, and I almost died of embarrassment when I had to ask a guard for the directions. I quickly followed them and not long after I was there. There was an enormous table (I didn't understand why, since they were only two usually) in the middle and a beautiful chandelier over it. Other than that, there was nothing in the room. Well, other than two gods, my father and my stepmother. When I had first met Hades I was too distracted to feel it but they both gave off an aura of power, and I noticed they were both different between them, and also from Artemis' aura. It was difficult to explain how different they were, they just were.

At first, dinner was pretty awkward, but we finally managed to start a conversation. Well, kind of. It looked more like an interrogation to me.

- So, Bianca, how long do you plan on staying here? - my father asked me.

- I don't know.

- Will you stay for long? - Persephone asked.

- No.

- Why? - Hades seemed genuinely curious about that one.

- Well, the whole point about not dying was not being in the underworld - I answered - no offense - I added quickly.

- Are you sure you want your friends to think you're dead?

- Yes.

- What about Nico?

- He isn't that special.

The questions lasted the whole night. Honestly, I wondered what would we talk about the next day, since they asked every question one could think of. Finally, dinner was over. I started to retreat to the comfort of my new room, but Hades caught up with me.

- Hey, Bianca, there's a little problem with your whole plan - he told me.

- Yeah?

- I think Nico has the ability to summon the dead, and it's only a matter of time before he finds out.

- Tell him I chose rebirth or something, I don't know - I said, before entering my room and closing the door.

I needed to do something so that they could never find me. I couldn't be on the surface because they would find me eventually. I wouldn't be in the underworld because I wanted to live a life. So I needed to find a way to be outside of both places. But how? I had heard from the hunters of a library in Olympus, one that had all the information you would ever need, one that had all the knowledge of everything in its books. Right there and then, I decided that it would be my next visit.

826 words

A/N I don't really like this chapter but oh well...

[DISCONTINUED] Lost || A Bianca Di Angelo and Chaos fanfic || Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now