Fashion Klaine

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Blaine and Kurt have been best friends since Blaine moved into town. Kurt has never met Blaine's family, but knows his dad left his family because he was homophobic. Blaine always avoided questions about his mom since most people only wanted to be friends with him because of her status and he kind of sort of developed on crush on Kurt. And he maybe talked about him to his mom quite a bit. Kurt got an interview for an internship, for the summer, at his favorite designer's company.

"I am so nervous and excited! Mostly excited," exclaimed Kurt explaining the good news to his dad. "I'm so proud of you, son!" Burt said. "So when is your interview?" Burt asked. "Its next week! Oh gosh, I have to plan the perfect outfit to meet her and make a good impression," Kurt said getting up and heading to his room. He went to his closet and made several outfits until he finally reached the perfect one. He thought about meeting the Pam Anderson and how he needed to control his inner fangirl. Kurt hadn't told Blaine about his possible internship, but decided to tell him after the interview to know how things would go.

Timelapse: 1 week later
Today was finally the day! Kurt woke up earlier than usual to make sure he did everything in his power to make things go as smoothly as possible. Kurt made sure to get enough sleep the night before and planned out his schedule. He got out of bed and into the shower he went. He didn't put on his outfit for the day quite yet in order to keep it from getting ruined. He proceeded to brush his teeth, eat a energy boosting breakfast, and made sure his resume was complete along with some additional paperwork. He looked at the time and saw it was almost time to leave. He ran to his room and put on the outfit he deemed worthy of the interview of his life time and styled his hair to perfection. Kurt grabbed his folder and went out the door to his car. He got in and for the last time checked he had everything before leaving to the interview.
Blaine woke up to the sound of his mom's heels on the stairs. He got out of bed and looked at the time. How long did I sleep? Its already 11:30! Blaine thought as he rushed into the kitchen and over heard his mom's phone call. "Yes Mandy, three candidates for the internship interviews should be arriving within the next half hour. I'm on my way to the office right now," Pam said hanging up. "Oh good morning, Blainey. I left you some bacon and eggs on the stove for breakfast. I gotta go, love you," Pam said dashing out the door, but leaving a folder behind. "Love you too, mom" Blaine replied, but she was already out the door. Blaine walked over to the cupboard and got himself a plate for bacon and eggs. He went to the fridge and got himself some orange juice. He placed his food on the counter and ate in silence.
Timelapse: About 25 minutes later
Kurt waited patently on the lobby of Pam's building and had arrived 10 minutes earlier. Pam was already in her office before Kurt got there and got to work immediately. Kurt's interview time was at 12 o'clock so he only needed to wait a couple more minutes.
Pam realized she had left her latest designs on the counter before leaving her house. She decided to call Blaine and ask him to bring it to her office. "Hi Blainey, I need to know if there is a folder on the counter I left this morning?" she asked. "Hi mom,Is it the one marked latest?" he questioned. "Yes, yes it's that one. Could you please bring it to my office?" she asked. "Yeah I'll be there in 10ish minutes," he replied. "Thank you so much Blainey," Pam said before hanging up. She looked at the time and there was 5 minutes until her first interview. She pulled up the information if her first interviewee and saw it was a guy named Kurt. Is it the same Kurt Blaine has been telling me about? She thought. She shrugged for what are the chances and pulled up the information about her other two potential interns. She called Mandy, the person at the front desk in the lobby, to let Kurt into her office and she waited for his arrival. Kurt was taken to her office and he couldn't believe he was about to meet his fashion idol. The person taking him there knocked on the door and a 'cone in' could be heard. "Thank you, Jamie I can take it from here," Pam said. Pam directed Kurt to the empty chair in front of her desk and he took a seat. "Hello Mr. Hummel, as you probably already know I'm Pam Anderson, CEO of Anderson Wear," Pam said. "Hello Mrs. Anderson, it is an enormous pleasure to meet you! Please call me Kurt," Kurt said. "So Kurt what makes you want to work here?" Pam asked. "I love fashion and hope to pursue fashion. Eventually I want to create my own brand such as yours and show everyone that with dedication, ambition, and true passion dreams can be achieved," Kurt replied hoping his answer was okay. "May I see your resume?" Pam asked. Kurt looked through his folder and handed her his resume. She scanned it for a few minutes and made annotations. Suddenly Pam received a call from Mandy. "Excuse me, for a second Kurt," Pam said. "Hello Mrs. Anderson your son is here. He says that he brought you your folder," Mandy said. "Yes, please send him up. Thank you," Pam said hanging up. "Is something wrong Mrs. Anderson?" Kurt asked. "Oh everything's fine I just forgot an important desgins folder at home and my son came here to drop it off for me, sorry for the unprofessionalism," Pam said. "There is no need to apologize, Mrs. Anderson. I wouldn't be as calm as you if I left my designs at home," Kurt said. Just then there was a knock at the door and in came....

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading! I hope you are doing okay and staying safe :)

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