One More Thing, I Love You

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Kurt is leaving for nationals with the New Directions. Before Kurt leaves, Blaine wants to finally say the three special words.
Kurt had just transferred back to McKinley and was on his way to nationals. Blaine, however, was still at Dalton. They had been dating for 8 months and were out on an unscheduled final date. Blaine had taken Kurt on a picnic next to a lake during the night for a special surprise. "Blaine, you shouldn't have!" Kurt said giving Blaine a quick kiss. "I wanted our last date before you left for New York to be magical," Blaine replied. Kurt looked over Blaine's shoulder and saw a picnic basket and blanket set up with a candle lit dinner. "Seriously what did I do to deserve you, Blaine Anderson," Kurt said once again putting his lips to Blaine's. "The real question is what did I do to get Kurt Hummel to be my boyfriend," Blaine said taking Kurt's hand and leading him to the picnic. Blaine had ordered food from Bredstix and baked dessert himself. As they ate they looked around at there surroundings. The full moon was high in the sky and the stars flickered like little lights on a Christmas tree. The lake was surrounded by trees and the ripples on the water reflected the moon's light beams. Everything was just so perfect. Kurt and Blaine finished up eating and Blaine pulled out a bottle of sparkling apple cider and two glass. "Lets make a toast," Blaine said. "To what?" Kurt asked. "To us and to whatever miracle allowed us to find eachother," replied Blaine raising his glass. Kurt raised his glass to Blaine's, "To us,". Blaine packed up the dishes and glasses. "How about we go for a walk," Blaine said standing up and offering Kurt his hand. "I would love to," Kurt replied taking Blaine's hand and standing up. They walked through the woods and around the lake admiring the view. "Wow everything looks so beautiful," Kurt commented. "Not as beautiful as you," Blaine replied. "Oh my gosh. You are so cheesy," Kurt said giggling. "But its true," Blaine said putting his hands around Kurt's waist and kissing him. Kurt melted into the kiss and he felt like he was in heaven. They stayed in that spot admiring eachothers features in the moonlight and time seemed to slow down. "Can we do one more thing before we head back?" Blaine asked. "What did you have in mind?" Kurt replied. "How about we observe the stars, I brought you here to watch a meteor shower with me," Blaine replied. Kurt nodded and they headed back to the picnic blanket hand in hand. They laid down on their backs and looked up at the stars to pass time so that they wouldn't miss the meteor shower. "I think I see the Big Dipper," Kurt said pointing at a group of stars the sky. "I think I see the Little Dipper," Blaine said pointing in the direction Kurt had pointed to. Kurt turned to Blaine. "I'm really gonna miss these dates when I'm in New York," Kurt said. "Don't worry Kurt you'll be back in my arms before you know it," Blaine said turning to face Kurt and wrapping him in a hug. "I wish this moment could last forever," Kurt said. "Me too," Blaine said. Kurt and Blaine just laid there in eachother company. Blaine looked at the sky once more and meteors fell from the sky like rain during a storm. "Look Kurt," Blaine said. Kurt sat up and looked at the sky. He was dazzled by the beauty of nature. Blaine sat up as well and leaned his head on Kurt's shoulder. They stayed there in complete silence taking in what was before them. The peace was interrupted by Kurt's phone buzzing. He had received a message from Finn asking when he was coming home. He looked at the time. It was 11:55 already. "Wow time really flies by when you're having fun," Kurt said, "but as much as this was romantic and beyond incredible we gotta get home,". Blaine nodded and folded up the picnic blanket as well as the picnic basket. Blaine put the stuff in his trunk and opened the door for Kurt. "What a gentleman," Kurt commented. Blaine simply chuckled, closed the door, and got to the driver's seat. He started his car and turned on the radio. The song "Only Us" from Dear Evan Hansen began to play and they sang along.
Kurt=Italics Blaine=Bold Kurt+Blaine=Bold Italics

I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you
I don't need you to search for the proof that I should
You don't have to convince me
You don't have to be scared you're not enough
'Cause what we've got going is good

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