Grease with a Twist 3

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This chapter is about Blaine and Kurt getting to know eachother.  I also sprinkled in some Samcedes into this one to have Kurt and Blaine get closer. :)
Blaine decided to take Kurt to Bredstix. Blaine lead Kurt to the front of the school where his motorcycle was parked. "Are you sure that I won't fall off," asked Kurt concerned. "As long as you hold on tight, you will be fine," Blaine assured him. Blaine handed Kurt a helmet and got onto the motorcycle. Kurt was a bit annoyed that his hair was going to get messed up, but got over it quickly since he was finally making a friend. Kurt got onto the motorcycle and initially grabbed onto Blaine by the shoulders inorder to not make him uncomfortable. "If you hold on like that you are going to fall off," Blaine said chuckling. "Just put your arms here," Blaine said as he took Kurt's arms and placed them around his abdomen. "Now hold on tight," said Blaine as he began to drive. Kurt's face was red from being so close to Blaine. Lucky him though, because Blaine did not notice Kurt's blush and he himself was blushing as well. After a short drive, they stopped moving and had arrived at Bredstix. Kurt took off the helmet and wanted to restyle his hair immediately. "Your hair looks fine, Kurt," said Blaine as he began to walk to the entrance. Kurt followed him and they were greeted by a short haired waitress who lead them to a table. She gave them their lunch menus and left in order to give them time to decide what they wanted. "What do you recommend, Blaine?" asked Kurt not knowing what to get. "I usually come here for dinner so I'm not used to thier lunch menu," Blaine replied, "But I heard that the fried chicken salad is pretty good." "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try something new," Kurt said. The waitress from before came back to there table and asked "What will you guys be having?" "Can I please get the salad with fried chicken please," said Kurt. "I will be having the same," Blaine said to her. "Your food will be ready in a jiffy," she said as she walked away. "So," said Kurt, "What do I need to know about Mr. Blaine Anderson?" "Well, my name is Blaine which you already know. I have an older brother, Cooper, who is an actor in L.A. I like to fix up old cars and enjoy sports during my free time. Oh I almost forgot I uh..." Blaine then whispered, "I really love music and singing, but please dont tell anyone. It'll bring down my rep. Anyways," Blaine said clearing his throat, "What should I know about Mr. Hummel?" Kurt giggled at being called Mr. Hummel and responded, "Well, I moved here from New York with my dad, stepmom, and stepbrother, Finn. I love fashion and love making my own clothes since most of the time clothes in stores dont quite catch my essence. I also really love Broadway and want to go back to New York someday to perform there." "I didn't think we would have anything in common," Blaine blurted. Blaine could feel his face heat up and quickly changed the subject by asking about Finn. "So, uh I met this guy earlier who's name was also Finn. Is he a tall, dark hair guy?" Blaine asked. "Oh yeah that's Finn. He said that he was asked to join the MDs or something like that," Kurt said. "Actually its NDs, but close enough," Blaine said chuckling. "What do the NDs even do?"asked Kurt curiously. "We fix up busted cars, we hang out, and occasionally we like to sing together, but we keep that part to ourselves," Blaine said. "Wait, are you a member of the NDs?" Kurt asked suprised. "The leader actually. I took over after my brother graduated." Blaine said as he saw there food was being brought to them. The waitress approached the table and said, "Enjoy your meal, lovebirds." Blaine spoke up and awkwardly explained that they weren't a couple. The waitress apologized and explained that she thought they would make a cute couple. Blaine and Kurt sat in silence as they ate. Kurt decided to ask about what music Blaine liked and from there they got to know eachother more. As they finished their meals they checked the time and saw that they needed to hurry up so they wouldn't be late to class. Kurt offered to pay the bill, but Blaine refused to allow him to pay since Blaine had invited him. They agreed that Kurt would pay next time. Blaine and Kurt quickly got onto Blaine's motorcycle and drove off back to McKinley. When they arrived Kurt and Blaine saw that they had to go to the same math class. As they walked in Kurt recognized Finn, Rachel, Santana, Tina, and Mercedes. This time the two seats that were open were by a blond blue eyed kid and Mercedes. Blaine was best friends with the blond boy, Sam, so he sat next to him letting Kurt sit next to Mercedes. Kurt was happy that he got seated next to someone he kind of knew and could become friends with. "Hi Mercedes, is it okay if I sit next to you?" asked Kurt. "Yeah, go ahead," replied Mercedes giving Kurt a welcoming smile. "Okay settle down class. I will take attendence and give you guys a packet to review what you already have learned so I can get a sense of where we should start the class. I am okay with you working with a partner as long as you keep the noise down," said the teacher. After taking attendence, Kurt turned to Mercedes who was staring at the blond kid Blaine was sitting by. Kurt waved his hand in front of Mercedes' face to get her attention and she snapped out of her daydream. She turned to Kurt. "Do you want to work on these packets together that way we will get done quicker," Kurt said and Mercedes agreed. As they worked Mercedes kept staring at the blond boy. "Mercedes? Hello? You've been staring at the blond boy over there for 5 minutes," said Kurt. "Sorry, I just cant help it," Mercedes replied. "How about a deal we finish this packet as quickly as possible and then you can tell me about your mystery boy, deal?" asked Kurt. "Deal," Mercedes replied. After about 30 minutes thay completed all the packet. "So who is that mystery boy you've been eyeing?" asked Kurt. "His name is Sam Evans and I kind of sort of have a little crush on him, but he doesn't even notice me," Mercedes said. "I've tried to talk to him, but he always makes up excuses to leave," she added. "Maybe he likes you, but cant think straight when he's around you," Kurt suggested. "Probably not, plus he's taken by Quinn Fabray," Mercedes said sadly. "You know what always cheers me up? Shopping! How about we go shopping after school?" Kurt asked excitedly. "I'm in. What time do we meet up?" Mercedes asked. "Meet me at the front of the school at 3:20 and from there we go to the mall," Kurt said smiling since he was making his second friend. Just then the bell rang, "I guess I'll see you later, Kurt," Mercedes said as she walked out of the classroom. Kurt bumped into Finn and told him to tell their parents that he was going to get home late since he was going to hang out with a friend. Finn and Kurt walked to chemistry together and sat next to eachother. Finn was on his left side and seated to his right was Blaine. Kurt was getting bored since the teacher had assigned them to do textbook work, so he decided to talk to Blaine. "Blaine, do you know anything about the blond boy, Sam Evans?" Kurt asked. "Yeah I know him pretty well. Why do you ask?" Blaine questioned. "I'm asking for a friend," Kurt replied. Blaine thought that Kurt had developed a crush on Sam making him frown a bit, but reluctantly decided to fill him in on Sam's general profile. "Sam is in the NDs with me and is trying out for the football team as the quarterback. He has been dating the Cheerios head cheerleader Quinn Fabray for about a month. She is kind of mean though and is only dating him to be popular enough to become prom queen. He also loves to do celebrity impressions," Blaine said. "Thank you for the information my friend will be happy to know how to win his heart," Kurt said excitedly. Kurt got back to doing his work and was excited to tell Mercedes what he learned. Blaine, on the other hand, was a bit sad that Kurt had feelings for Sam, he didn't even know why he felt that way. Blaine then decided to ask Kurt to hang out sometime. Blaine wrote Kurt a note and gave it to him. The note read: Do you want to hang out today after school? □ Yes □No. Kurt was happy that Blaine wanted to hang out, but he had already made plans with Mercedes. Kurt checked off the no box and wrote an explanation as to why he answered no. Blaine was anxious to see what he responded and quickly read the note. He was a bit disappointed, but did not give up hope. He wrote another note and gave it to Kurt once more. The note read: How about we hang out on Friday? □Yes □No. Kurt quickly checked off yes and handed the note back to Blaine. Blaine smiled at his response and jotted down his number for Kurt so they could figure out what they were going to do. Blaine handed the note to Kurt and Kurt wrote him a note with his number and a smiley face. Kurt could not believe he already had plans with friends.
Timelapse: School is over and its 3:15
Kurt stopped by his locker to put down some books when he was shoved. Kurt fell to the ground and saw Karofsky laughing. Kurt tried his best to hold back tears and quickly got up to meet up with Mercedes. Mercedes was waiting outside and here a loud clash. She saw Kurt being shoved by Karofsky and walked over to Kurt, "Are you okay Kurt?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm okay, let's just get out of here," he said. They quickly got to Kurt's car and drove to the mall. Kurt and Mercedes went from store to store for about 3 and a half hours. By the time they exited the mall they each had 2 large bags full of clothes. Kurt drove Mercedes home and exchanged number so they could make more plans in the future. When Kurt got him he was greeted by Burt, his dad. "Finn told me you made plans to hang out with a friend. Is this friend a guy?" Burt questioned. "No dad it's a girl named Mercedes," Kurt replied. Burt was protective of Kurt and didn't want him getting hurt by jerks. "Oh okay, so how was school today?" Burt asked. "It was okay. I'm starting to make friends and I made plans to hang out with another friend on Friday!" Kurt said excitedly. "Sounds like this is a fresh start for all of us. I'm glad that your happy Kurt," Burt said giving him a sincere smile. "Now go wash up dinner us ready." Kurt rushed upstairs and felt a buzz from his phone. He saw it was from an unknown number. He opened the text. It read: Hey Kurt, its Blaine. Just wanted to make sure that it's you.
Kurt quickly replied: Hi, its Kurt! Yes this is the right number. I'm looking forward to hanging out :)
Kurt quickly washed his hands and went downstairs to the kitchen. Carole, his stepmom, made pasta for dinner. Kurt listened to Finn go on about his day and how he met an annoying girl math, but also said that people told him that she was crazy talented. Kurt talked about his shopping spree with Mercedes. Kurt was quickly done with his meal and went upstairs to do his extravagant skin care routine. About half way through his routine he got a text. He thought it was from Blaine, but it was actually from Mercedes. The text read: Hi Kurt, just wanted to say thanks for cheering me up. Also thanks for the fashion tips.
Kurt quickly responded saying: Hi this is Mercedes, we definitely need to go shopping together again. Take care. Kurt finish his routine and changed into his pyjamas. He layed on his bed staring at the ceiling for about 20 minutes before he finally drifted off to sleep. Maybe moving wasn't such a bad thing was Kurt's last thought as he fell asleep.

Wow even longer than the last. I am not consistent as to the day and time I post so I just want to let you know that I post sometime during the weekend, sometimes when I'm very inspired I post on weekdays. Anyways thank you for ready! Hope you stay safe and are doing well! :)

Sorry if there are any mistakes. I just reread it and probably missed a couple mistakes.

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