Chapter 21: Wounds underneath my skin

Start from the beginning

The sound of an object hitting the stone floor rang. It was from another room, however, it was audible enough to arouse the interest of the group of people inside the throne room.

The girl's attendant quickly picked up the jade object that slipped out of the girl's hand and fell to the ground. Her body broke into cold sweat. They... might be discovered after all.

"Miss are you okay?"

The lady was wearing a red robe and her hands were shaking.

The man in purple robe laughed heartily behind the screen, shattering the silence.

"AQing, come out here."

The familiar command caused the two ladies behind the screen to straighten up their figure. The lady grabbed her handmaid's hands. Their wet sweaty fingers intertwined as the handmaiden nervously straightened her dress.

They entered the throne room together.

"Greetings my lady.." The envoy stopped his sentence midway. It was not the first time it happened. The lady was truly a beauty.

"Pardon me My lady.. My lord, as it had been rumored, no one truly believed it until they see it with their own eyes. My lady's beauty is truly as they had said-one of the great beauties of across the four kingdoms. Our eldest prince sends his regards to you princess. I was tasked to escort you to our kingdom."

The eldest prince of the Xu kingdom had a notorious reputation. He was a decorated general and a strong contender for the throne of Xu. The crown prince had yet to be named by the current king. There were three princes that were strong contender for the throne. Prince eldest was one of them. The reason he was not bestowed the title immediately was because he was not born from the queen. He was born from a concubine in the palace. The eldest prince was not yet legally married yet since he was famously frivolous thus did not want to settle down just yet since the requirement for the legal wife would be quite high. The prince had a harem full of beautiful men and women alike by his side were more than enough to keep him satisfied. Yet the seat of the legal wife remained empty. Thinking that such a dirty man will become her husband enraged the princess so much that her beautiful face twisted in anger.

"Aren't you well ahead of yourself? I refuse. Uncle, please tell this rude guy to leave immediately!"

"A qing, calm down a little. Let me think this through"

The princess was shocked. She was willful yet if there was one person she feared the most, even more than her mother. It was her uncle Wenxu.

"You are not seriously considering it are you???"

Her uncle smiled, carrying a trace of coldness and slight glimmer in his eyes. It was his typical look when he chanced upon something favorable-or when he had decided onto something. The smile brought chills down to her very bones. A Qing's heart sank all the way to the bottom of her feet.


In the dark cell, the sun rays crept lazily through the cracks in the wall giving away hints of the time of the day. Weiying felt a trace of warmth on his skin. His body was aching from head to toe, trembling precariously against the cold. He was drenched in cold sweat. He felt someone clean his wounds with cold water and each time the cold cloth came in contact with his skin, he would quiver uncontrollably. His body was extremely sore and he felt pain all over him. The ground he was on was cold and hard, giving his already injured back zero comfort.

Someone shook him.

"Weiying.. you're shivering. Stay awake!"

The voice commanded.

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