Chapter 12

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    "Angelica!!" Eliza rushes to my side and puts on a face of worry. "Are you okay? We just saw the doctor leave and we wanted to make sure you were fine." As she says that Peggy and mother also burst into the guest room with worry plastered on their faces. "I'm fine, it's just that..." They all leaned in close curiously, preparing for the worst, just in case.

"I-I-I'm pregnant." Without hesitation, Eliza and Peggy squeal and hug me as tight as they can. My mother's face turns from 'Oh my lord my eldest is about to die' to 'YESSSS ANOTHER GRANDCHILD!!!' She begins to squeeze the life out of me and gives me the biggest smile I haven't seen since before I left. She jumps in glee before saying "I should go tell your father this!"

"Actually mo-" She's gone before I tell her otherwise. Eliza notices my 'paranoia' and states "Angelica I know you and dad aren't on good terms, but he should know he has another little baby to love." I give her a fake smile because still, I'm not sure if I should tell him.

He wasn't so pleased with the first...

   Everyone leaves and I'm stuck alone in the room with my thoughts...I don't like it. I decide to get up and head back upstairs. When I reach the bottom of them, I hear yelling and not the children kind;

"Why can't you be at least happy for her?"

"You know why Catherine! She married that awful choice of a husband."

"Phillip Schuyler that was about 14 years ago! You sound redundant right now! She is your eldest and frankly the most similar to you."

"That doesn't mean that I should be ecstatic for a man fornicating with my daughter to have a child?!"

(ooh big words people 😌)


"Well maybe she could become Mary from the bi—"



"And before you object: how do you think those three were bor—"

That was my cue to leave •_•

Wow. These two argue, but never like this...

    I take a quick look at the two arguing in the office; then I quickly ascend the stairs.

I probably shouldn't have eavesdropped on their conversation, I wouldn't have this sick, upsetting feeling in my stomach.

    I step into my room and rapidly close the door. Breathing in and out, I start pacing back and forth. It's a weird way to cope, but it does calm me down. I start yelling: "I should have stopped her!"

It's all my fault. If I hadn't been careless or married or I don't know... some place not here!! I give up thinking before sliding next to the door.

*Knock Knock* "Angelica?"

It's Peggy.

   "Yes?" I can tell that she wants me to open the door, but I don't really want to disappoint anyone else at this point.

"Do you think you cou—"

"No. Sorry I just—don't want to..."

     She understands as she slides down next to the door to talk to me. "I heard the talk between mom and dad. Are you okay?" "No, not really..." She tries the knob, but it's locked, of course. "You know... I'm here if you want to talk."

Should I tell her? No, I can't...but I don't want to push her away. Not like last time...

     I open the door; the first thing she does is give me a huge hug. Tears emerge from my eyes and a hug turns into an entire pep talk from my youngest sister.

(4 hours later)

    In the span of what is...four hours, FOUR HOURS?!


    Well in those hours, I told Margarita everything...well almost everything...

     (Back in 1780, she was the only one who knew how I looked at Alexander; how my eyes would widen every time I saw him, how I would stare from afar, and blush every time he did something. However, she confronted me about it and I told her something dumb. Alexander was just an individual who I liked at first, but I completely dismissed my feelings after Eliza. Peggy was in disbelief, yet she started to believe it two years later; after she found out that I had been married for about 4 years and a half).

     But that's the only thing I didn't tell her. I did tell her about John's 'tendencies' and now she looks like she wants to kill.

      "THAT B*****D!!" Peggy immediately starts walking towards the door.

"What are you doing?!"

"I'm going to tell Eliza, Mother, and Father about him."

     Terror washes over my face. I grab her arm and pull her from the door. "Y-You can't tell them anything!" She looks visibly confused, "Why not?!" Peggy analyzes my face and sees who I'm worried about telling the most.

She sighs:

"Our parents won't think anything different. We have to tell them." I look at her with a hope she doesn't run to their sides and tells them something that I was purposely hiding for 14 years...

"Fine. I won't tell them," she crosses her arms and then gives me one pat on the head, it was random, but that's usually Margarita. " But we have to tell Eliza."

"Do we? Eliza is a strong, but sensitive person. I don't want to bring this burden onto her. She already has things to worry about..."

    I trail off my statement, because someone stood at the doorway. (You guessed it).


Two Truths and a LieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora