Chapter 23

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Because it's Aries season and your girl is an Aries, I decided to gift myself the gift of giving you guys a sad chapter so. Yeah. 😀🖐
(TW: Slight Blood)


I've been here for only a week and the pains have gotten worse. Not to mention, I've been receiving nightmares every night.

And they've also only gotten worse.

Now I'm staring at a wall trying to figure out what to do—


"GEEZ MARTHA! You spooked me."

"All in a day's work."

I never understood why she did, but Martha acts more like Peggy, than Peggy acts like... Peggy!

...if that makes any sense whatsoever.

"Why did you come in anyway?"

"Just wanted to check up on you. You've been acting a bit differently and I doubt it's because of a pregnancy."

"Oh I'm fine Martha. Just thinking about things."

"It better not be about that lame excuse of a husband."

"HEY— wait no, you're right. But it's not him, just something else."

Martha stares intently at me, trying to decode some thought of mine. We both sit in a slight comfortable silence until she grabs my hand.

"Wait are you doin—"

"Please, you can't sit in a room all day."

So she whisks me out of the room to enjoy a day on the town as she claims.

"Can I just—"

"NOPE!" And with that she drags me out of the room and her house.

(9 hours later. Yes. NINE!)

We finally came back to Martha's house and despite it being her idea, she was very exhausted and wished me a good night. I thought it was joke, but I didn't hear from her again.

So currently, it is 9:58 p.m. and I have no clue what to do next.

Ow. Dang it not again.

I walk upstairs and sit at the desk in my room.
Right! I have to write to Eliza. God knows how much she's been worrying...

So to waste time in the night, I quickly write to both of my sisters...

And to Alexander. I don't know why I'm doing it, but writing to him helps relieve stress. I may not be able to talk much or write without being awkward, but it's something!


(This is a horrible plan isn't it?)

...Either way, I finish writing to all three with a note to Eliza and Peggy to write me back at the address I'm sending this from for awhile.

With the letters done, I get ready for sleep and throw myself onto the bed.

Hmm. What will it be tonight?

That night?

That day, but with more guilt I can't handle?

Two Truths and a LieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora