Chapter 2

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An empty room with no type of color.


I notice my husband and Alexander facing my direction, each with blank stares and standing about 4 feet away from each other.

Curiously, I walk towards Alexander and I start to feel a sense of passion like the first time I met him.

Before I know it, he takes hold of my hand, pulls me closer to him, and gives me a warm, sweet smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

Soon the moment is gone as I notice my sister behind Alexander, quietly smiling but with miserable tears running down her face as she watches us. I quickly back away from Alexander and all of my fuzzy feelings immediately turn into shame and regret. So in a not-so-curious manner, I stroll over to my husband, and not even one second in: I feel alone, cold, useless, and insecure.

He gives me a look I know too well and it chills my entire spine. But it's all worth it when I see my little sister: smiling, giggling, and flourishing with a husband on her arm...

I was willing to suffer just for her.

Suddenly I wake up abruptly in my sister's guest room where I was staying in.

I look at the clock to see if everything that just happened was a dream.

It was not...

Internally questioning that entire dream, I see Alexander pass by the doorway, mind buried in thought. When I thought he was gone, he makes a complete 180 and notices I'm awake.

"Hey, you're awake! How are you feeling?"

"Kind of dizzy— What happened? How did I end up back in here and in...this?"

Quickly explaining what happened, he says  that I had fainted/blacked-out completely, and when he rushed to see what was wrong, he noticed that I had a small fever.

"Oh. But that doesn't explain how I got in this again...

Did you change my clothes?!"

Alexander straightaway flusters and turns red.

"Well because you had a fever, I put you back in your night clothes so you wouldn't get hot. I promise I didn't—"

"It's fine Alexander. I know you wouldn't. I'm just messing with you."

He sighs and continues to explain:

"Not to mention, my eyes were closed for most of time."

I thought he was joking, so I laughed, until I realized that the gown is in fact inside out.

And backwards.

Changing the subject:

"How's Congress?"

"It's going. Slowly. But going."

"What do you mean?"

"Everybody there is an idiotic a**hole."

Before I could even respond, Alexander quickly jumps back in with: 

"Not me though...not all the time at least."


"It's just difficult trying to get people on your side. I bet you could."

"Because I'm a woman?"

"WHAT?! No... maybe, but it's not even that; it's because your persuasive and you get passionate about the things you fight for.

It's admirable."

Without thinking, both of us sat in a comfortable silence scanning each other's faces, until we noticed what we were doing and so Alexander broke it by continuing the conversation.

"So, how are things in London?"

"It's great, but sometimes it can be a bit much. It often makes me miss living here."

"You could move back."

"My husband would not want to do that."

"Well, who the h**l cares what he wants?"

"...I—Very funny. You should tell him that."

Alexander makes a sulky face then suddenly blurts,

"I'm tired of standing. Is it okay if I sit with you?"

I stare at him with a confused expression, since there is clearly a chair right there. Realizing what I was thinking he says:

"Yes I know there's a chair. But I have sat on it before and it hurts to sit on."

Now with no reason for me to tell him no or otherwise, he parks a seat right next to me on the bed and we start talking about anything we could think of.

(20 minutes later)

In the middle of our talk, I start feeling light-headed and Alexander seems to take notice.

"You can rest if you want to Angelica"

I smile at his consideration, but it something doesn't feel right. Alexander apparently sees worry in my eyes and says,

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna do anything stupid" he laughs at my nervousness then continues:

"I'm probably going to start working again anyways, so I'll just keep talking until you sleep if it helps."

"You do bore me sometimes."

"I will not take offense to that because you're clearly delusional."

Laughing at him and still trying keep up with conversation, I continued to talk until I eventually closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Sometimes, I wish I could be his.


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