Chapter 24

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As Captain America would say} TW: "Language"

(Martha's POV)

A scream is heard.

It's Angelica's.

It seems painful and confused and broken. Her scream fills the air heavily that I even start tearing up as well.

Once she realized that she miscarried, she became aware to what that actually meant and
sobbed until the doctor showed up; and even then could barely keep her composure. He soon left afterwards stating the official diagnosed and apologized greatly to her. But once he left, she was back to her state of grief.

In the span of only an hour, she was numb of all emotions.

"Angelica... you know you can always talk to me."

"I know."

I look at her with hope that she would open up, instead of bottling it in. But she doesn't.


"Martha can I be left alone for a bit?


I don't want to, but she pleads once more like she doesn't want me to see whatever she's going through; but I'm her friend and I have to do something.

"Martha, I appreciate you trying to help, but I just don't think I need people around me for a while."

I let out a sigh then nod as I leave reluctantly; and once I'm out the door. It closes quickly behind me and locks.

"You don't have to face this alone."



(Angelica's POV)


I probably shouldn't be standing up after a miscarriage...

I retreat back to the bed again as the pain drizzles over my body. But before I could lay down I see it.

The blood.

It's there on the sheets, staring me in the face with disappointment, and yet taunting me.

Now I can understand why Martha thought I died.

I should not be joking at this.

I ignore it and plop down on the bed as gently as I can. I don't know whether to cry again, be angry with myself, or feel nothing at all. I wish I could do them all at once to get it over with.

Now for the next problem that will end in disaster if I don't figure it out now:

How am I going to tell the others?

When I tell Peggy about what happened and how, she'll try to kill John even though I'm not sure if it was his fault. Then if I tell Alex the whole situation, he will kill John. When I tell John, who knows how he'll react? Finally, when I tell Eliza I have no clue what she'll do. (There's only a couple of moments where I'm scared of Eliza and this is one of those times)

Ahh; another pain. Great. I thought I was done with these.

I'm terrified about what to do next. My world is slowly crumbling and I don't know how to handle it anymore.

I lay a final hand on my stomach trying to reminisce something from the last 5 or so months; yet at the same time, I'm angry at myself for not keeping a simple promise:

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