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"Even after everything, you are still going to bust the ghosts the way you are now?" Will asked me around before midnight but dark out as I was gearing up and at the ready.

I nodded anyway. The Fenton's information gave me hindsight and options to choose. Although he was a ghost himself, I could consider Danny Phantom as an ally in this scenario, because the Hidden are of no concern of mine although I would exercise caution but Danny Phantom seems to be more than enough to handle them.

The escaped souls most likely have absorbed the ectoplasm giving them powers the same as Octavian, but this did not bother me. Although I would not underestimate them, their battle prowess would be equal of a monster or demigod, so I just have to be better than that.

At least I did not charge in without knowing that. Otherwise I would be too surprised and easily overwhelmed, but not this time.

The way I should handle this, of course would be an assassination style.

"Actually," I hedged a little, "It's because they have a plan."

"They?" Will asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know who they are, but they contacted me a short while ago. They are also the ones who started this whole mess."

"How in Olympus did you contact them?" Will asked.


It was but a few hours ago that I laid down my options. It would be really easy to just bust the ghosts. But there was an obstacle to that.

The green hole... the green hole that sucked souls from the Underworld to the Ghost Zone, that was what Octavian said. And that green hole... could cause a lot of problems, such as rounding up stray souls back into the Overworld.

At first, I didn't want to mention the Ghost Revolution to Hades because of paperwork, but thanks to Octavian and that information, it would be more paperwork if I didn't say something. Just imagine the chaos if I simply dispatched the souls now for them to come back here by that green hole thing. It's a cycle that should be prevented, so at least warn Hades.

But I never got the chance. Just as I shadow travelled to the Underworld, someone intercepted it and knocked me out to sleep.

So that in the dream world, I met them.

"What do you want? Are you the one who has been keeping the Ghost Zone a secret?" I asked to a shadowy figure in my dream. Figures they don't want to reveal themselves.

"Yes," they said, and I could not pinpoint the voice, "And I don't want you to report this to Hades, please..."

"But then, how would I be able to dispatch the souls without them escaping again, huh?" I asked.

"Don't worry..." they said, cool and collected, "That will be taken care of. Just do your job as usual."

I narrowed my eyes at the figure. I had no idea how much I should take it at face value, but at the same time, maybe this route would lead to no paperwork at all?

"OK," I said, for now.

Back in the present, I relayed all this to Will, ending it with, "... and that's how I met them."

"But you are no closer to finding their identity," Will said.

Like I could do anything about it, and I have bigger fish to fry, so to speak. It was easier to follow these orders and hope for the best. While doing so, I could also keep an eye out for any anomaly worth investigating so that things would soon come back to order.

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