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"So you guys want to learn how to catch ghosts?" A portly man asked, peering down at the both of us with squinting eyes.

I personally do not blame him. How would a person react when someone comes to your front doorstep and asked to teach them more about ghosts?

It wasn't hard to inquire about the Fentons and their location in such a small town. It was less hard to actually find it. The Fentons own a really... unique house.

"We just want to learn more about them," Will said, "And we heard that the Fentons are reputed ghost hunters, so we thought we could go to you."

Really, that was our objective coming here. Know your enemy... and there was so little we knew. The Ghost Zone... their powers...

But whether that man would accept to teach us a thing or two that would flip the outcome of the situation before us.

The portly man then spread his arms and then ushered the duo into the house, "Any ghost enthusiast is welcome into this house and regale the tales of the great Jack Fenton's ghost busting days!"

That was easy, although the man, Jack Fenton, seemed to be a little narcissistic.

"So what do you boys want to know?" Jack asked.

"Well, we are a little curious about the Ghost Zone and the powers of those ghosts?" Will asked.

"So you guys want to know how to catch ghosts? I could take some apprentices under my wing..." Jack said, but me and Will shook our heads.

"We just want to know more about ghosts. Curiosity that's all," Will said.

"Well, fine then. If you want to know more about the Ghost Zone, maybe it's better to just show you," Jack said.

"Show us?" I asked, a little shocked. Because exactly how will he show us?

"Now, normally, I wouldn't show this to random strangers but since you guys are such ghost enthusiasts, well... it won't hurt to show it to you. The world needs more ghost hunters anyway to stop those pesky ghosts!" Jack declared.

We were ushered into the basement where I could see many chemicals and...

"Is that green swirling portal the Ghost Zone?" I asked.

"Yes, but it's just the entrance to the Ghost Zone. What lies beyond... is anyone's guess," Jack said.

"Why on earth did you built the portal?" I asked. Why would someone sane built a portal to another dimension that resides not so friendly ghosts that could come out of there and wreck havoc into the town?

If that was the entrance to the Ghost Zone and the ghosts can come out of there to roam around, a person would only need to put two and two together of why the continuous attacks of Amity Park happened.

"Well, so that I can finally catch a ghost and tear it apart molecule to molecule!" Jack declared.

My mouth hung wide open. That was... a very stupid answer, to say the very least. So it was Will's turn to ask something.

"Umm... Mr. Fenton? But won't that portal... cause ghosts to come out of here and attack the town? I mean... there have been many ghost attacks for the year as I heard it. What if... it's because the ghosts come out of that portal as they please?" Will asked.

Jack snorted.

"Course they can't," Jack said, "See this red button?"

Jack moved toward the button and then smacked it. Once he did, the portal shut close.

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