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Hades had had enough. The Doors of Death incident have left him drained and demoralized, more than he usually was. Although the Seven have already closed the Doors doesn't mean the spirits went back to the Underworld.

Now, they are wrecking havoc, giving him paperwork and a migraine, overtime for everyone including Thanatos and Melinoe and he had a few angry Gods about death management on his tail...

He had to do something.

Meanwhile, throughout all the overwork, one worker was worried. This Doors of Death breach had led too close to home. Too many spirits roaming around. They will discover... and eventually Hades as well. The secret has been kept for millennia but can it still? Please...


Nico's POV

It's been a month since Gaia has been defeated and I was mostly happy spending my time at Camp Half Blood with friends and my doctor, who as a few days ago, was more than a friend.

Now, with 'more than a friend', we were working together to catch the flag at one of the games in camp.

"Don't overdo it," Will warned, meaning my Underworld magic.

I groaned. It's only been a month, so why does he have to worry so much?

"Don't groan at me, Angel," Will said, smiling happily when he used the nickname.

"But I'm fine. I'm perfectly capable of using my Underworld magic," I said.

"But I just worry about you..." Will said, looking at me meaningfully.

I couldn't help let out a smile, but one that is short lived because while we were running on attack mode for the flag, a demigod sprung from the bushes, trying to attack both me and Will.

I parried the attack in the nick of time, and knocked him out with the back of my sword easily.

I smiled at Will again, "Who said you needed to worry about me?"

Will smiled at the demonstration and shook his head, but he said, "I don't know... spending time with you, you are someone who goes through a lot of trouble and as your boyfriend, I just can't help-"

He was silenced with a peck of a kiss from me, which made me blushed intensely as I have never done something so bold.

I just did that to show how much I appreciated it, but words failed me now as I ran ahead, beckoning Will to follow.

It somehow slightly irked me that Will had a half bemused, half smug expression on his face.

"Get a room, you lovebirds!" Percy shouted as he immediately went on attack mode at Will. Before he knew it, a shadow grabbed a hold of his leg and dragging him away from Will. He scowled at me, because if it were up to him, I wouldn't be using my Underworld magic... at all. But I just smiled easily at him and Percy, while mockingly saying... "And how about you and Annabeth?"

"Touche," Percy responded.

And soon it was just fun and laughs. I really want this to last forever, friends and a boyfriend. Is there anything better?

It was soon after the game was over that I knew I jinxed myself.

I was chatting with Will about to kiss him when the shadows pulled me away and into Hades's throne room where he was sitting on his throne with a scowl on his face.

Ladies and gentleman, just for blocking me kissing Will, Hades is officially the God of Cockblocking.

But I didn't let my feelings show about that, as I knelt down in front of Hades and murmured, "Father, you have summoned me?"

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