Amity Park

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Will and I then landed in a place where I saw the sign 'Welcome to Amity Park' there in front of the beautiful town that made me frown slightly. I mean... I can't see how there are ghosts in such places as this, but life ends up being surprising anyway.

"So, what are you going to do?" Will asked.

I pondered a while, before letting my death senses take over me. Seriously, the problem stems from the Doors of Death that let loose so many spirits that they found themselves residing here. Hades was right, as I can't help but feel a surge of death, from the spirits of the Underworld that were supposed to stay put there...

"C'mon, let's make it quick," I said, heading off into Amity Park.

Will followed me, saying, "Don't overtax yourself."

"Sheesh, I won't," I said, and decided to take an IPad out of nowhere as I scrolled through the names of the dead and the tracker app conveniently there.

It's not only Thanatos who has these. Every Hades underling has these, mostly to keep track of the dead, and that includes me, because Hades wasn't above sending me to send troublesome souls back to death when Thanatos has his hands full.

Like now.

My eyebrows shot up as I saw the map of Amity Park... there were so many escaped souls from the Doors of Death just around this town. Makes me wonder... what's so special...

"Wow. You have your hands full, huh?" Will asked, looking over at my shoulder and eyes widening at the dense dots surrounding the town.

"Yeah, and I'm just one person..." I grimaced.

"There's me," Will reminded.

"Yeah, but you can't bring souls back to death," I said.

Will grumbled, a bit put out at being useless there, but then said, "What about Hazel? Maybe she could help you get this work faster..."

"I would," I said, "But Hazel's on a mission along with Frank, so..."

"Ah, I see," Will hummed in acknowledgement, "But you do know that I'm not going to let you tire yourself out."

"Of course you won't," I said.


The place was picturesque and quiet, like a normal town filled with the ordinary people. There was nothing ancient, historical, dark or... well, anything that would make a ghost stick around here.

If you want to know, most ghosts seem to stay around historical places or dark, haunted vibes, obviously but anything about Amity Park did not scream haunted to me at all... It was too sunny and cheerful, in my eyes... OK, exaggeration. It was just normal.

None of the townspeople paid us mind, doing their own business themselves... I was looking through my IPad, deciding to go for the fewer ghosts around before going to the places with more of them.

Gradually. Plus, I just don't want to overwhelm Will dealing with so many ghosts for the first time. No doubt he would fret terribly.

That's for later.

And the first place was...

"They call a burger place 'Nasty Burger'?" Will asked.

I shook my head, just looking at the sign. "Is it that they don't have any names or are the burgers bad?"

"How about we order and then we will know?" Will asked.

"I'm not hungry and I prefer McDonalds anyway..." I said, opening the door to the place anyway where there were teens simply hanging out and chatting it up.

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