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3rd person

Bangchan had gathered up NCT and had made a plan to get jimin out of prison.

The guards make their way to jimins cell "it's time park" jimin tilts his head "for what?" The guards look down. Jimin puts his hand on his neck "oh...."

Jungkook sits tied up with a cloth over his mouth while Areum glares at him "your lover boy isn't gonna come and get you....I mean... nobody can run without a head can they~" Jungkooks eyes widen and he shakes his head.

Areum laughs "you really thought he'd come and get you? He was only ever with you because of that crown! HE NEVER LOVED YOU!" Jungkook looks down and tries to get out of the chains.

With Jimin

NCT make their way into the prison and start to trick and slowly get rid of the guards. Jaehyun and Taeyong make their way to where jimin was being taken. Jimin gasps a little when the guards holding him are pulled away.

The head guard turns around to see jimin stood there smiling innocently. Jaehyun knocks the guard out and grabs jimin and they run through the prison with guards following them.

They make it out to the courtyard and jaehyun smirks seeing jimin stood on the end of a see-saw ((A/N:I'm not sure if that's that they're called 😂))"okay...crouch down..." jimin nods and follows his orders. Taeyong smirks "knees apart!!" Jimin tilts his head "why?" Most of the member then jump down on the other end which sends jimin flying into the air

Jimin screams "HOLY SHIT!!" He lands on Bangchan who looks at him smugly. Jimin gasps "Chan you did this?" Bangchan nods and neighs. Jimin smiles a little "thank you.......this means a lot..... we've only ever been chasing one another-"

Bangchan neighs and jimin nods "you're right let's go" Bangchan nods and starts running and jimin gasps "CHAN THAT IS A DEAD END!!! DO NOT JUMP!!" Bangchan ignores him and jumps off the edge and lands on a roof and then jumps down and continues to run as fast as he can

Jimin laughs "that was amazing! Come on boy!" Bangchan continues running to Jungkooks tower. Jimin jumps off Bangchan and looks up "JUNGKOOK LET DOWN YOUR HAIR!!!" Nothing happens so jimin tries to climb up but gasps when jungkook lets his hair down.

Jimin uses his hair and climbs up and inside the tower but gasps seeing jungkook tied up shaking his head.

He then gasps and falls to the ground getting stabbed from behind by Areum.
He groans and puts his hand on his wound and winces. Jungkook yells but it's muffled. Areum smirks "aw look what you've done jungkook....I didn't want this to happen....but now I'm going to lock you away where NOBODY can find you again!!"

She pulls the chains and jungkook fights to get away, she Huff's "stop fighting!!" Jungkook gets the cloth off his mouth "no! I won't stop! I won't ever stop fighting to get away from you!!! B-but if you let me help him....then I will go with you... we'll go back to how it was before this!! Please....just let me help him"

Areum sighs and looks at jimin who was losing a lot of blood. She then ties jimin up with the chains making him groan, she hugged "just in case you have any ideas about following us" she steps back and jungkook rushes to him "jimin!"

He gathers some of his hair and jimin stops him "no jungkook...I can't let you do this" jungkook tears up "I can't let you die" jimin groans "b-but if you do this...then you....then you will die" jungkook shakes his head "no... please let me help you..."

Jungkook puts some of his hair on jimins wound and jimin puts his hand on the back of Jungkooks neck pulling him closer. He then grabs a shard of the broken mirror and then cuts Jungkooks hair making jungkook gasp and Areum scream "NO!!!!"

Jimins hands fall weak and jungkook watches the hair all turn pink. His eyes widen "w-what?" Areum tries to save the hair but can't.
Jungkooks eyes widen seeing her turn really old, she grips her hair "no!!" Kooky grabs some of the hair making her trip out the window. Jungkook gasps "mother!!"

Half way down it's just her cloak falling...she had completely dissapeared...

Jungkook looks at jimin and gasps "no no no no! Come on!" Tears roll down his cheeks "n-no come on!" He grabs jimins hand and puts his on his hair and starts to sing between his cries "flowe gleem and glow...make your power shine....b-bring back what once was mine"

Jungkook leans his head on jimins chest and his tears fall onto jimins chest. Kooky sits in the corner of the room watching the scene play out....the whole room was silent apart from Jungkooks sobs "i-im so sorry jimin"

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