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18 years ago

3rd person

"FIND THE FLOWER!" Guards rush around the whole of the kingdom to search for a flower that can save the pregnant king.

The two kings sit on the bed, seokjin led in bed ill while namjoon holds his husband's hand and waits for the guards to find the flower.

Hoseok searches with loads of other guards and they walk up to a top of a hill and Hoseok gasps "there it is!!!" The guards all rush to the flower and gasp

Hoseok searches with loads of other guards and they walk up to a top of a hill and Hoseok gasps "there it is!!!" The guards all rush to the flower and gasp

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Little did the guards know, hiding in the bushes was a witch, that used that flower to stay young and live forever....
The guards dig the flower up and rush back to the castle.

The nurse makes the flower into a drink and the pregnant king drinks it and gasps sudde feeling a lot of pain in his lower half.

A few hours later a beautiful baby boy is born! The kings sit on the bed with their new baby boy in their arms. Seokjin smiles "Kim jungkook...... welcome to the world" namjoon kisses his son's head making jungkook giggle a little.

The new prince has beautiful and magical hair, and as the boy gets older if he sings a specific song or someone sings it around him then his hair will glow....but...if someone tries to cut his hair....it will turn pink and the magic won't work anymore.....

The whole kingdom celebrated the birth of the new prince! And they sent lanterns flying in the sky to celebrate. The people danced for hours and hours and then the whole kingdom went quiet as everyone started heading to bed, the new prince lays asleep in his crib with his baby mobile hanging over him

 The people danced for hours and hours and then the whole kingdom went quiet as everyone started heading to bed, the new prince lays asleep in his crib with his baby mobile hanging over him

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Everything felt amazing...everyone was happy at that moment

And then that moment ended....

Around midnight that same night, the witch sneaks into the castle, she makes her way to the sleeping prince and smiles and starts to sing with her wicked and old voice "flower gleem and glow....let your power shine...make the clock reverse...bring back what once was mine....what once was mine~" making the princes hair glow a beautiful golden colour

The witch smirks and cuts the hair and gasps when the hair she holds and the part of the hair she had cut both turn pink.

The kings awake to the crying of their son. They both gasp seeing the witch holding their son and then suddenly she disappears....

The whole kingdom sent a search party to find the prince.....but no luck.....
The kingdom was heartbroken....the kings stand staring at the empty crib and seokjin cries on his husband's shoulder and Namjoon keeps all his tears in and rubs his husbands back

As for jungkook the witch had taken him to a tower that has no doors and only one big window....the witch plans to keep jungkook there for life....to use Jungkooks hair to keep her young and she will raise jungkook as her own....

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