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I take a deep breath and see jimin climbing down the tower. I look at kooky who nods.i take a deep breath and then use my hair and slide down to the ground. I stop just above it and look down at the grass beneath me

I've read about the earth and it's so fascinating......but apparently there's a lot of dangerous things around. I look up at jimin who was still climbing down "IS THIS DANGEROUS?!" He nods "YES VERY DANGEROUS JUST CLIMB BACK UP!"

I roll my eyes and then hesitate but put my feet on the grass and gasp "whoa...it's so weird" I giggle and then look around and see birds flying around. I follow one and gasp when I look down to see I've walked into a small bit of water. I laugh "I can't believe I did this!!! It's just how I dreamed it would be!!!"

I scoop up some water and throw it up and laugh. I then see the small walkway where mother would usually walk out. I smile and look at kooky who was on my shoulder "ready?" He nods. I take a deep breath and then run out the walkway and through the leaves and gasp looking around

"It's so beautiful!! Ahhh I can't believe I did this!!!.....mother would be furious!!......but what she doesn't know won't kill her right?" Jimin walks out and Huff's "come on then" he starts to walk and I run in front of him and laugh "this is totally amazing!!!!"

After a few minutes I stop and let him catch up and then sigh "mother would be heartbroken....... she'd be so angry..." Jimin catches up and I laugh and start to run again and swing around using my hair and laugh more "I SO HAPPY!!! WHOO!!!"

I then look around not being able to see anywhere familiar. Jimin walks towards me. I look down "I should go back....I'm such a horrible human being.....I am the worst son ever" he stands next to me and I look at him and he raises an eyebrow and I smile widely and then use my hair and swing around in circles around a tree "I AM NEVER GOING BACK!!!"

Jimin leans against the tree while I swing around. I stop after a few minutes and then sit by a rock and cover my face with my hands "I'm such a terrible person.... this would kill mother if she found out" I jump a little when jimin sits next to me "you seem to be at war with yourself"

I look at him confused "w-what?" He nods "I'm only picking up small things... overprotective mother.... forbidden journey...it all makes sense....but that's the joys of growing up!....you have to rebel a little!"

I tilt my head "really!" He nods "yeah definitely! Even though it will break her heart and crush her soul" my eyes widen "break her heart?" He nods "definitely" I gulp "crush her soul?" He smirks and nods "like a grape~" I look down

He sighs "I cannot believe I'm saying this.....but I'll let you out the deal" I tilt my head "what?" He stands me up "yeah! You can go back to the tower and have that mother, son relationship you want...I get my satual and we go our separate ways!"

He gives me my frying pan and puts kooky on my shoulder "there's your pan and your frog....now it's sad to say cutie but i-" I point my frying pan at him "I will use this!....I am seeing those lanterns and you are taking me to them!!" He Huff's "oh come on!!"

I jump when the bush behind me starts to move. I climb onto his back "What is that?! Is it ruffian's?! Thugs?! Have them come for me?!"
I calm down when a bunny jumps out from the bush. Jimin sighs "stay calm....it might nibble your toes and it could smell fear"

I climb down "sorry....I guess I'm just kinda....jumpy" he nods "I can tell...but I guess it would be better to avoid ruffian's and thugs?" I nod "yeah that's probably for the best" I gasp and then crouch down and stroke the bunny and smile.

Jimin smirks "are you hungry?! I know an amazing place for lunch!" I tilt my head "where?" He wraps his arm around me and starts to push me a little so I walk forward "you're gonna love it!" I tilt my head and he continues to walk and I follow

I didn't think there would be anything in the woods.....maybe they just didn't say that in the books.....

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