Suspended - Alex Gaskarth

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You had Fall Out Boy playing on full blast as you cleaned your house from top to bottom, preparing for your husband Alex to return home from tour. To say that you were excited was an understatement but you knew that your son Kieran was buzzing. He was slightly annoyed that you had sent him to school today though as he knew that Alex was coming home. You had just finished vacuuming the living room floor when you heard the front door open and saw Alex walk through in to the kitchen. You practically dropped what you were doing and ran to him. He picked you up and held you in his arms.

"I missed you." He whispered in your ear, you giggled a little bit, causing him to laugh along with you.

"I missed you too." He replied with a smile. He placed you back down gently, allowing you to find your feet before he let go of you.

"So how was tour?" You asked him curiously. He just smiled at you.

"It was good, but I wish you and Kieran could have been there." He replied. You smiled softly and nodded.

"Maybe one day, when Kieran's out of elementary." You answered with a smile. He walked over to you and reconnected your lips, only breaking the kiss when you were both out of breath, causing you both to laugh. All of a sudden your home phone began to ring. You sighed and walked over to see who was calling. You noticed that it was Kieran's school so you picked it up.

"Hello?" You asked in to the receiver.

"Mrs Gaskarth?" The lady on the other end enquired. Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, can you tell me who is calling and why you are calling please?" You asked suspiciously. You heard a sigh from the other end of the line.

"My name is Nancy Kingfisher, I am your son's teacher and I am afraid that I need you to come and collect your son." She said abruptly.

"What has he done?" You questioned. Alex looked at you in confusion.

"He called another child a very rude word; he then proceeded to slap the child." Your mouth dropped open.

"Ok, I'll come and get him." You said before exchanging goodbyes and hanging up the phone. You looked over at Alex who was staring at you expectantly.

"Well?" He asked.

"Kieran slapped someone and called them something, I'm not entirely sure why he did though." You said. Alex nodded and stood up.

"I guess we need to go and get him." You nodded and headed out to the car, Alex right behind you the entire way. The drive to school was pretty quiet apart from the occasional comment here and there. Soon you pulled in to the car park and walked in to the school. The second you walked in, you saw your son. He had small tears streaming down his face and a small red handprint on his cheek. You walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"Hey buddy, what happened here?" You asked soothingly. He looked up at you and immediately jumped on you, giving you a huge hug, before he spotted Alex. Once he did, he jumped off of you and ran over to Alex.

"I missed you daddy." He said softly, sadness still present in his voice.

"I missed you too buddy." Alex replied with a smile.

All too soon you were called in to the front office. Both you and Alex sat down in the chairs in the office.

"So what happened then?" Alex asked casually.

"Well your son slapped a pupil and called him a rude name." The teacher replied. Alex laughed.

"There is more to the story than that." He stated. "My son would never hit anyone unless they hit him first." Kieran nodded.

"Well I'm afraid to say that your son did hit someone first, so he will be suspended effective immediately." The teacher hissed. Alex nodded, knowing that it would do no good to argue in this situation so he stood up, took your hand and Kieran's hand and took you out of the room. You all walked over to the car and climbed in.

"So Kieran, want to tell us what really happened?" You asked. Kieran nodded.

"Well, Jake was being mean to Maddi so I told him to stop it but he didn't and he kept doing it. Then he pushed Maddi over so I slapped him and called him a doofus." Kieran finished, almost in tears again. You and Alex both smiled.

"Please don't be mad at me." He whimpered.

"We could never be mad at you buddy. You did the right thing by sticking up for your friend. Maybe next time just don't hit someone." Alex said smiling. Kieran nodded and wiped his tears away with his sleeves.

"So how about some ice cream then?" You asked with a small grin.

"Yes please." Chorused through the car as you started the engine and drove to get some ice cream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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