Danny Worsnop - Concert Lovers Part 1

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Tonight was going to be the best night of your life. You were finally getting to go and see Asking Alexandria in concert with your greatest friend in the world. The concert was due to start at 7:30. It was now 3 o’clock in the afternoon and you were just finishing getting ready. You were wearing black ripped skinny jeans, an Asking Alexandria t-shirt and black converse along with multiple bracelets. After you had spent about an hour getting ready there was a knock at your door. It was your best friend.

“Hey (Y/N), you ready to go. We need to get there early if we want to go to the meet and greet.” Your best friend Olivia said. You bounced up and down on the spot like a Jack in the box.

“Yep!” You exclaimed. Olivia giggled.

“You’re insane (Y/N). I swear to the depths of hell you are.” You smiled at your friend’s overly dramatic statement.

“Sure.” You said while walking calmly out of the door and towards your friend’s car. As you climbed in she started the engine and put in reckless and relentless, your favourite CD. You were about half way to the venue when your favourite song Someone, Somewhere came on. You looked across at your friend who smiled at you. You smiled back and moments later you both burst in to song. It was the most horrendous noise you had ever heard but you didn’t care. You were the happiest you’d been in a long time. Once you arrived at the venue and got parked you headed straight to the meet and greet. The line was massive but you and your friend were prepared to wait as long as it took to meet your idols. After about an hour you were finally near the front.

“Finally.” Olivia huffed.

“Cheer up my little olive.” You said cheekily. You knew she hated being called that.

“You’re lucky I love you (Y/N) or I would have slapped you upside the head just then.” She said while glaring as you. You just smiled. Finally it was your turn to meet Asking Alexandria. You were so nervous but you couldn’t wait. This band meant the world to you and you wouldn’t let anything ruin that. You walked up to the table with Olivia following close behind. Ben was sat at the end closest to you so you went to him first. He smiled at you.

“Hello there. What’s your name?” He asked. 

“I’m (Y/N).” You handed him your CD which he signed and passed down the line until it reached Danny. Danny looked up from signing your CD. He smiled at you.

“Hello love, what’s your name?” He asked just as Ben had a few minutes ago.

“Hi, I’m (Y/N)” You said.

“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” You blushed slightly and hid behind your hair in the hope that he didn’t see.

“Hey, don’t hide behind your hair love.” You peeked out from behind your hair to see Danny smiling at you.

“Well i’ve got to go. It’s show time.” He exclaimed and ran off. He exclaimed and ran off. You and Olivia headed towards the front of the stage. The arena was already packed but you didn’t care. You were here to have a good time and be wild. Soon AA came out on stage and started to run their set. You were hyped up from all of the music. Then Danny started to speak.

“Ok guys, final song for tonight." He yelled in to the mic.

“Now I would like to dedicate this song to a girl I met at the meet and greet today. This girl has to be one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and she has been dancing like a crazy person all night. So guys this song is called Someone, Somewhere!" You went absolutely crazy. Unfortunately all to soon the concert was over and you and your friend had to leave.

“That was amazing!" Olivia squealed.

“I know!" You squealed back. She stared at something behind you for a second before taking off in the opposite direction.

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