Danny Worsnop - Concert lovers Part 2

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Two months later...

Today was the day that Danny was going to meet your dad and to be honest you were really nervous. You knew that your mum would have been happy that you had found someone but she wasn’t here anymore. But you dad... he was ex-army and extremely strict about who you dated. Heck he had scared away your last boyfriend. The drive to your dad’s house was short. Too short. You both arrived outside your dad’s house and walked up the steps to the front door.

“Danny, I don’t know how my dad will react to this.” You said nervously. Danny just smiled and rang the door bell.

“Whether he likes it or not I won’t leave you. Ok?” You nodded. A split second later your dad appeared at the door.

“Ah (Y/N).” He said happily while embracing you in a tight hug. He pulled away and looked over at Danny, who was stood next to you.

“And you must be Danny.” He said still smiling. Danny nodded.

“Well, come in.” Your dad said. You both walked in and sat down at the dinner table as it was just being served.

“So Danny, what do you do for a living?” You dad questioned.

“I sing in a band called Asking Alexandria.” Danny replied. Your dad looked thoughtful for a second.

“Interesting. I think I’ve heard (Y/N) talk about you before.” He said. Your cheeks turned pink out of embarrassment. Danny chuckled lightly.

“Really?” He asked.

“Oh absolutely.” Your dad replied. You were going to have a serious talk with your dad later.

“Do you mind me asking what she said?” Danny asked. Your dad smiled.

“She said that she loves you and that you mean a lot to her.” Your dad’s voice cracked at the end. Danny smiled.

“I love her too.” He said. You could hear the meaning behind his words. He spoke the truth. You all continued to eat. Once you were done Danny offered to help your dad tidy away, but he refused.

“You two probably have plans for the rest of the night so I’ll let you go.” He said with a cheery smile. You and Danny walked to the door.

“He’s a keeper.” Your dad whispered in your ear. You smiled widely. Your dad had accepted Danny. You wrapped your arms around your dad and gave him a tight hug.

“Thanks dad, I love you so much.” You said, he hugged you back and smiled.

“I love you too.” He said before letting you go. You joined Danny in the car and drove back to your apartment. You both went up to your apartment and sat down on the sofa.

“So...” Danny asked. You smiled at him.

“He likes you and said that you’re a keeper.” Danny chuckled again.

“Good.” He leant over to where you were sat and kissed you passionately.

“Only four more months, then we don’t have to hide this any longer.” He whispered in between kisses. You smiled in to the kiss.

“I can’t wait.” You said.

Four months later...

It was finally 21st February. Your 18th birthday. Tonight you were going to be attending an Asking Alexandria concert. You couldn't wait. You had three hours until Danny and the rest of the band were picking you up so you decided to grab a shower and do your hair perfectly. Once you had finished your hair you got changed in to this... polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=90853960 Once you had finished getting ready your doorbell rang. You skipped through the hallway and over to the door. When you opened the door you saw Danny standing there. He smiled widely at you but at the same time he looked nervous. You brushed it off as pre-show nerves. 

“Ready to go?” He asked. You nodded and walked out of the door, following Danny to the bus. He walked on with you following close behind him. As soon as the other saw you they all smiled and said hello. There was a slight awkwardness in the air. What was going on? Soon enough you all arrived at the venue. You all walked backstage and waited for their set time. When it was time they all ran on stage. The crowd went crazy. Their set list consisted of...

-          The Death Of Me

-          Another Bottle Down

-          Breathless

-          Killing You

-          Dear Insanity

-          Someone, Somewhere

After they had played Someone, Somewhere Danny started speaking in to the mic.

“Ok, right now I want my beautiful girlfriend to join me out on stage.” He yelled in to the mic and beckoned you over. You walked on to the stage and over to Danny.

“(Y/N), I have something to ask you.” He said. Everyone gasped as he got down on to one knee and revealed a beautiful ring.

“(Y/N), we haven’t been together for very long but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” He asked hopefully. You could barely form your words.

“Y-Yes.” You stuttered out. He got off of his knee and kissed you sweetly. The crowd was screaming wildly. You walked off the stage followed by Danny. You smiled widely at him.

“Is that why you were so nervous around me?” You asked him playfully.

“Was it that obvious?” He replied. You nodded.

One year later...

Today was possibly the most nerve racking day of your life. It was your wedding day. You were visibly shaking as Ben’s wife Sam tried to calm you down.

“(Y/N), you need to calm down. Nothing is going to happen.” She said in a soothing voice.

“But what if I fall?” You asked. She just smiled.

“Then you do what any respectable woman would do. You get back up and keep walking.” She replied. You smiled and breathed a little sigh of relief. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. You dad poked his head round. He smiled at you.

“You look beautiful.” He said as a small tear appeared in his eye.

“Just like your mother.” You smiled. “She would have been so proud.” He finished. There was another knock at the door. It was Ben.

“It’s time.” He said while stealing Sam away. You looked at your dad.

“Promise you won’t let me fall?” You asked him hopefully. He smiled at you.

“I promise.” He replied. You walked down the aisle with your dad by your side. He kept his promise and gave you safely to Danny. As the vows were being read you had never felt happier.

“Do you Danny Worsnop take (Y/N) (Y/L/N) as your lawfully wedded wife?” The priest asked.

“I do.” Danny replied.

“And do you (Y/N) (Y/L/N) take Danny Worsnop as your lawfully wedded husband?” the priest asked. You smiled at Danny.

“I do.” You said.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” The priest announced. Danny leant down and kissed you lovingly on the lips. The reception was held a while later and consisted of some speeches. One from Ben, who was Danny’s best man and one from your dad. Ben’s was short and sweet. He said this...

“Hi, I’m Ben for those of you that don’t know. I’m not really good at this sort of thing but anyway. I’ve seen Danny and (Y/N)’s relationship grow over the time that they have been together and I think that they are absolutely perfect for each other. So anyone that disagrees can fuck off. I wish you all the happiness in the future.”

Whereas your dad said...

“Hello, I would just like to say congratulations to (Y/N) and Danny. I wish you both very much happiness in the future. But I will promise you this Danny. If you ever hurt my daughter I know people that will make you disappear. Heh, you think I’m joking. Anyway I hope you both live very long and happy lives. Sweetheart, your mother would be so proud of you.”

You knew that Danny was the one for you and you loved him with all of your heart. For your entire life you had wanted to find that special person and now you had him. There was no way you were letting him go.

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