Danny Worsnop - Time For A Baby Part 3

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Three days later…

Finally you were able to go home with the twins and get back to some form of normality. You were excited but utterly terrified at the same time. Luckily Oli and your parents were on hand to help you out seeing as you were going to be a single parent. As soon as you arrived home you felt like something was different. You turned to Oli. 

“Has something happened while I was in hospital?” You asked suspiciously. You saw Oli’s gaze shift to the floor. 

“Maybe.” He replied in a cheeky tone, while walking quickly through the apartment with your daughter Alexandria. He stopped outside of the door of the spare room. He looked over towards you as he opened the door. As the door swung open you saw a beautifully decorated nursery for your children. You couldn’t believe it. Oli said he had something planned but you didn’t think he would do this. You both entered the room and placed Matthew and Alexandria in their cribs. You turned to Oli and embraced him tightly. 

“Thank you so much.” You said quietly. 

“I couldn’t have done it without some help.” He said. You pulled away from him and looked at him curiously. He must have noticed your confusion.

“Follow me.” He said. You did as you were told, shutting the door quietly behind you so you didn’t wake your children. You followed Oli to the living room where you were greeted by the rest of your band and James, Ben, Sam and Cameron of Asking Alexandria. You were so happy that you started crying as your hormones were all over the place. They all gave you a massive hug before they left you and Oli alone again. 

“Thank you so much Oli. For everything.” You said

“It’s ok (Y/N).” He smiled. A little while later there was a knock at the door. Oli told you to stay where you were so you did. You heard the front door open. A very familiar voice mumbled something to Oli which caused him to raise his voice. 

“What the fuck are you doing here Danny?” Oh shit no. He’s here? He left you for the entire pregnancy and now he expects you to talk to him? You got up from the sofa and walked to the front door. You immediately saw Danny.

“What are you doing here Danny?” You asked. He looked sorrowful.

“I came to apologise for how I acted (Y/N). I never should have left you. You were right, it does take two. I don’t expect you to forgive me but please just let me be in my children's lives.” He said, letting a few tears escape his eyes. You knew he was being genuine. You got Oli to step aside and let him.

“Oli, can you leave me and Danny alone to talk?” He looked at you, his eyes full of concern. “Please?” You asked. He finally caved.

“Fine.” He said. He got up and left without another word.

“So where do I start?” Danny questioned. 

“How about why you freaked out so much when I told you?” You replied. 

“Look (Y/N), I know what I did was wrong but I just wasn’t ready then.” You could.feel the anger boiling inside of you. 

“And you think I was. Danny you didn’t give a shit about me the entire time I was pregnant but now you suddenly want me to forgive you?” You seethed. The next few moments were a blur. You felt Danny’s soft lips on your own, moving perfectly in sync with each other. Some how this just felt right. All to soon he pulled away.

“I may not have been there for you back then. But I’m different now and I want to be with you and the babies. I want to watch them grow up, take them to their first concert and their first day of school but most importantly I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Danny said quietly. You couldn’t help but melt at his words.

“Promise me Danny. Promise me that you will never leave me.” You said weakly. He smiled at you.

“I promise.”

Two years later…

It had been two years since that day and now it was your wedding day. You were excited and terrified as Ben’s wife Sam and James’ girlfriend Brandi tried to calm you down. 

“Sweetie, everything will be fine. It’s just pre-wedding jitters. We all get them.” Girl Sam said calmly. You turned thought about what she had just said and slowly calmed down.

“Ok, I’m ready. I can do this.” You said. They both just smiled. 

“Let’s go hun. Better not keep him waiting.” Brandi joked. You smiled. It was finally time. You were about to become Mrs. Worsnop  The doors opened and you walked down the aisle accompanied by your dad who shed a small tear as he gave his only daughter away. You stood next to Danny as the reading was being read.

“If anyone has any reason why this couple should not be married speak now or forever hold their peace.” The vicar said. No one spoke.

“Ok then. Danny do you take (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?” You gazed up in to Danny’s eyes.

“I do.” He said with a smile.

“And (Y/N) do you take Danny to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Danny looked in to your eyes.

“I do.” You said happily.

“You may now kiss the bride.” The vicar announced as Danny pulled you in for a passionate kiss. Then Danny picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the church. Finally your family was complete. You had a wonderful husband, two beautiful children, amazing friends, very supportive fans and a job you loved. What could possibly go wrong?

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