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Without a doubt there is a cultural barrier and knowledge base that seems to follow Natasha wherever she goes. She quickly learned that none of the recent graduates go off to college to continue their schooling. Natasha was appalled to learn after receiving the classes yearly curriculum that little was taught of the no-maj subjects. And what was taught was highly incorrect. Despite the growing list of issues, she needed to maintain her focus on the one thing that the Minister of Magic expected to have done, the profiles. She has a 1000 students to write up profiles on and only a month after the start of term to do so. That's why Natasha found herself in her current predicament. She looked the part of a proper pureblooded wizard her Sea-foam green skirt, matching her cloak and pumps. Her hair was pinned up as she prepared to face scrutiny of the highest degree. Looming ahead of her was a manor, it was clearly built during the time of gothic architecture. And reminded her of a castle with its tall towers and matching spewing fountains. The hedges along the driveway guided her toward the front door.

While the building itself was not malicious looking it was elaborate and gaudy. But there was an air around the place, that felt numb. She had heard stories of the Malfoy's from her Great- Grandparents. Making it to the door, she used the large knocker on the door. Before she had time to take a step back the door swung open to reveal a grand foyer with cathedral ceilings. Taking a small step in she looked around closer to observe the dark stained wood that consumed the house, only saved by the light marble that spread across the room. Natasha wasn't aware, but a house elf had opened the door and was waiting for her to follow.

"This way misses." Muttered a small house elf that finally gave up on be acknowledge. Nodding her head, she followed. The walk was short, and the house elf left her standing in front of a door. She reached out her hand and knocked, unlike the front door it did not swing open, but she could hear the crackling fire and a pair of heels making their way towards the door. Opening the door was a tall but slim woman whose hair and skin were competing to see which could be paler.

" Miss White I am Narcissa Malfoy." Narcissa introduced softly. She gave a slight smile to Natasha before turning around and walking back into the drawing room. Natasha followed her in taking the room that had marvelous paintings and light streaming in. "Please take a seat Lucius is getting Draco." Nodding Natasha made her way to the windows where a long table with a few scattered chairs resided. There was not much in the room a comfy chair and table resided by the crackling fire and then there was the table and chairs they were sitting in. This only helped add to the numbing sensation she felt as she entered the manor. They sat there in silence as they waited, Natasha pulled a few things out of her bag to take notes for the file. As Natasha opened her mouth to ask a question the door swung open by the fireplace. Lucius came in first he had a pointed face and cold eyes as he strode in and took a seat at the table. Draco followed behind almost pouting as he walked in and stood behind his mother's chair.

"Draco, sit." Commanded Lucius as he glowered at Draco. With pestilence Draco took a seat next to his mother. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss White," Lucius responded giving a slight grimace. "Being punctual is not Draco's strong suit."

"No trouble at all, you have quite the lovely collection of paintings." Natasha nodded as she looked around the room, the paintings were detailed, clearly made with great time and effort. "I am curious as to why they are No-Ma... uh Muggle paintings?"

Mr. Malfoy seemed to exude an aura of cockiness after Natasha mentioned it. "Why yes, they are from her majesty herself, I was.... my family was quite close to the Royal family," Lucius looked at the paintings almost fondly before bringing his attention back to Natasha. "You would of course know as your family is still close, if I am not mistaken."

Natasha was warned by her grandparents but still taken back by his knowledge of the rather secret family ties. Attempting to maintain her calm exterior, she continued to smile and responded, "Yes, my family still keeps in touch with them." Natasha left out the part of her being invited for tea by the Queen only a day ago.

"Shame you will have to cut ties with them, ministry laws I am afraid, such a pity." Lucius drawled out while staring intently at Natasha, attempting to pull a reaction from her. Maintaining her quote on quote 'pureblood social graces' Natasha just gave a small smile and nodded. Electing to instead change the subject.

"Let's get this meeting started, I already have basic information about Draco, I am here to get a good understanding of Draco. My job focusses a lot on helping students academically and guiding them onto career paths." Natasha smiled and pulled her attention to Draco, whose interest was peaked slightly but still maintained his air of 'I don't care'. " So, Draco what is it you would like to do?"

"He is going to work for the ministry." Responded Lucius before Draco even had a chance to think.

Natasha took a small breath in "That is great Mr. Malfoy, I understand as a parent, you have hopes and dreams for your child. This is really something I want Draco to tell me, just so I know exactly what he wants to work toward." It never ceased to amaze her on how many parents attempted to decide what their child would do in the future. "So, this time just Draco what would you like to do?" Natasha, Lucius, and Narcissa all looked intently at Draco.

His head was down as he responded, "Work for the ministry." There was no enthusiasm or excitement. He was answering as his father wanted, not how he wanted.

" Alright, where in the ministry would you like to work?" asked Natasha already knowing she was wasting her time as Draco would not be answering honestly, until his father was gone.

"As an Advisor of course, right, Draco." Lucius again replied for Draco, "You see, Miss White I am a very influential man in the ministry, I work closely with the minister of magic just like Draco will someday." Lucius continued a sharp gaze on Natasha. She maintained her composer giving a small courteous smile.

"I see, is there any other questions or concerns. If not, I have another student, I must meet with." Natasha stated as she checked the watch. Nobody moved for a moment the suffocating tension remained stiff.

Lucius let out a long breath of air before waving his hand in the air, "No further questions, Narcissa will see you out." Following that Narcissa and Natasha both rose from their seats and made their way through the stiff room to the door Natasha had entered. As they navigated back to the entrance not a word was muttered.

Before Natasha could make her escape out of the doors and across the lawn Narcissa asked "Miss White if you would please meet with Draco again when you are both at Hogwarts, he doesn't want to work for the ministry." Natasha smiled; she wasn't the only one who noticed his behavior.

" I was planning to Mrs. Malfoy, have a good day." Natasha replied with a true smile before popping away to her next family the Diggory's.


A/N Do you want another pureblood family visit????

I'm not sure, but if you have suggestions, let me know. I really enjoyed writing this chapter.

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