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Natasha woke up bright and early making her way out of her empty apartment and headed off to the ministry. She passed the small flower stand where the sweet no- maj man bids her good morning as he placed his fresh garden pinks out on his stand next to some brilliant yellow sunflowers that brought cheer to the early dreary morning. Natasha attempted to understand the directions she was given to get into the ministry. They gave her two options to either go by toilet or by phone booth. Not liking the image of the toilet, she heads her way to the fading red phone booth. Looking around, she sighs in relief that not many people are up this early in the day. She dials 6-2-4-4-2 and suddenly with a lurch the floor began descending.

"I'm not at MACUSA anymore." She mutters watching the street disappear from her view. Before long she saw the elaborate atrium with glistening golden statues that were a part of a fountain showing a witch a wizard being looked up at by a goblin and a centaur.

"That's a bit unrealistic." Natasha stated as she observed the sight with a perplexed expression as centaurs and goblins thought themselves superior. She continued following her direction to go to the minister of magics office, she passed many wizards and witches bustling their way around to get to their desired locations. Natasha was nose deep into her parchment of directions she didn't notice the portly ginger man until she bumped into him making him drop his brief case.

"Oh, my bad, sir, I wasn't looking where I was going" Natasha said, reaching down to pick up the worn briefcase.

" Ah, no harm, " said a kind portly man with fiery hair. He had brown eyes that twinkled with mischief and a cheeriness she has only seen from her brother. " I don't think I have met you before dear, Arthur Weasley I work in the department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts." He said sending her a grin.

Natasha grinned "Natasha White I'm the new department head for the Department of Education."

Giving her a quizzical look, he asked, " Department of Education?"

" Yes, I overlook Hogwarts and advising students on their career paths." Natasha grinned always happy to talk about her job.

"Good ole Hogwarts I remember my days there, my youngest is going for her first year."

Natasha looked at Mr. Weasley as he grinned just thinking about his daughter. " Well, I am happy to have met one of the parents, but do you know where the Minister of Magics office is?" she asked looking back down at her rather confusing letter of directions.

"First day, then that makes more sense. Come on, follow me." Mr. Weasley stated as he turned and started his way through the masses of people.

'"Makes more sense?" Natasha questioned as she followed Mr. Weasley as he made his way, bobbing through the masses of wizards and witches.


' The world is playing a cruel joke on me.' Natasha thought as she laid down on her office floor clutching a file in the dark. The room was large, but there was spare office furniture strewn about. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust.

'I have no employees' She thought as she stared up blankly at her ceiling.

' I have no information on students.'

Letting a big huff of air out she sat up and with a flick of her wand turned on the lights.

"Kill me!" She exclaimed plopping back down, causing dust to billow around the room.

" Don't think I can help you with that." A deep voice replied from the doorway.

"Then do you want to join me in my misery?" She asked, glancing at the tall ginger man that leaned on the door frame with an amused grin.

Making his way into the room, he asked, " How about I help you with this?" He gestured to the grimy disarrayed office. Natasha shrugged and he took that as an okay. He cast a cleaning charm effectively getting rid of the filth. She watched as he levitated the furniture and placed them to resemble an office space.

"There we go" He grinned, looking around at his handy work. He made his way over, so he was kneeling by Natasha's head.

"Are you okay?" He asked, peering down at her.

"Surviving." She stated looking up at him " Natasha White, and this is the Department of Education" She added spreading her arms out as if to present it.

"Bill Weasley nice to meet you" He said as he watched Natasha in amusement.

"I like the fang earring." Natasha complimented receiving a laugh from Bill.

Surviving - B.Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now