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"Silence is the most Powerful Scream"- Anonymous


'If I run through the back door I can just go and drown myself in the lake" thought Natasha as they entered their childhood home.

"We're in the family room!" Chimed their mother when she heard the door close.

The pictures hanging in the White resident's hallway gave Natasha and Jason side eye as they tromped their way through to the family room. The house was nothing special and fit in nicely in the no-maj farming community. The house backed up to a lake and was surrounded by citrus trees.

Once they entered the family room their mother rose to greet them in big warm hugs exclaiming "Oh, welcome home." As if she did not just see both last week for dinner. Their mom looked like a textbook teacher. Barbara had kind sky blue eyes hidden by thin wire-framed glasses. Her hair was a light brown from the sun and curly from the humidity.

Even with the warm hugs and greetings, the room was tense. The third White sibling sat on the couch with her arms crossed similarly to a scolding mother with a scowl to match.

"Great to be home, mom," Jason said as he made his way over to their dad who was engrossed in the current basketball game on. Their dad was unique as he was raised by no-maj parents and worked a no-maj job. John White was a larger man with freckles splattered on his arms and face from working out in the sun. His stature made him appear intimidating, but his welcoming midnight blue eyes negated that.

"Come sit Natasha." Barbara said as she practically dragged Natasha over to the coach. "Any new developments on your new job?" she said, giving her oldest a hard look at her scowl deepening hearing the word job.

"Well, the sent me a letter to inform me they had my offices ready a-"

"Are you that much of a princess you need two offices." Lauren scoffed, looking at her sister in disdain.

"Lauren." Their mother responded in a tone only a mother can give.

"I need two offices because one is at the school and the other is at the ministry," Natasha said as she sunk deeper into the coach avoiding eye contact.

Lauren snorted and said, "sounds like a waste of space to me." Natasha sunk further into the couch as she heard her mother once again scolding her sister for her words.

"All I want is a nice family dinner with my children. I'm going to check on the chicken." Their mother stated. She gave bother her girls a hard look before going to check the chicken.

The room remained tense and all that could be heard were the cheers from their dad and brother.

"So, anything interesting in accounting happens?" Natasha awkwardly asked her sister gave her the same scowl from earlier.


"How have you and Matt been?" Natasha asked, attempting to sink further into the coach as her sister continued to scowl. Her high cheekbones, making it seem harsher.


'Can I drown in a leather sofa, because I want to.' Thought Natasha as she realized she could not see her sister in her peripheral anymore.


"Heard you guys got a crup Labrador mix." Natasha again tried to initiate some type of conversation.


'I am just going to do it, I am going to face the dragon.' Natasha Thought before finally getting the courage look Lauren in the eyes and say "Listen, I know what happened was kinda sucky and I should have told you about it. At the time, I did not know how to or if I should. Can we just get past this? We're sisters and I am so sorry we have let it get this far."

"Fine" Lauren replied the scowl leaving her face. "But I still don't trust you." She said as she left the family room.


The dinner was amicable. Natasha tiptoed around her sister not wanting to anger the scowling dragon again. Jason continuously flung corn at Natasha as she ate. At one point Natasha and Jason competed to see who could catch more in their mouth by throwing corn at each other. Once everyone was finished eating Natasha and Lauren got put on dish duty.

"So where is this new job of yours anyway?" Lauren asked as she scrubbed a plate in the soapy water.

"England" Natasha stated, causing Lauren to freeze mid-scrub and scowled at the water.

"Anything else you failed to share with me?" Lauren asked as she started furiously scrubbing the same plate.

"That plate is probably clean now," Natasha said as she stopped drying the dishes

"Natasha." Lauren said as she stared up at her sister," What haven't you told me?" she asked stopping and handing Natasha the clean plate.

"I leave for England in two days," Natasha says sheepishly. The plate she is drying, becoming very interesting.


A.N. I did it, I updated :)

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