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Laughter is the best Medicine in the world- Milton Berle


" You said your last name was Weasley I meet a kind man by the name of Arthur Weasley, any relation?" Natasha asked now sitting criss-cross in the middle of the floor placing the file in front of her.

Bill gave her a nod before replying " Yeah, that's my Dad." He made his way to a desk placed behind him and leaned on it.

" He helped me find the minister of Magics office this morning, and fondly spoke of your sister who is going to Hogwarts this year. Quite an age gap there if you are already working." Natasha said as she watched Bill chuckle to himself.

"Oh, not too bad of an age gap when there are seven of us." Bill let another chuckle out watching in amusement as Natasha's eyebrows raised in surprise.

" Bless your mom, mine barely survived three of us." Natasha responded, looking at Bill, who held a small smirk from surprising her.

" Mum does alright, I think she thrives with the challenge. I am the oldest and then my brother Charlie, who works in Romania with dragons. Next is Percy, who is still at Hogwarts and on his way to claiming his lifelong dream of being a prefect." He smiles as he talks about his family looking at the brunette sitting on the floor still.

"My sister, Lauren is like that she tries to make everything perfect and picturesque." Natasha frowns letting out a sigh and staring at the wood floors and at the sad file in front of her.

Bill lets out a laugh, causing her to look up at him for an explanation " While Percy does try to be perfect, he is trying to be a prefect, its an upper classmate who is selected to police the students." Natasha looks at him and mouthing an inaudible 'oh'. " I think he is trying to follow in my footsteps and become head boy too." Bill added.

" I don't see it" Natasha said, looking at the ginger man in front of her who had a rocker vibe in his dark worn jean's, dragon hide boots, a dark colored vest, and dark button up with rolled sleeves. " You have more of a too cool for school vibe." She added a smirk playing on her lips, she placed her hands behind her to help support her.

With a roll of his eyes Bill responded, " I am a curse breaker they do not really care what I wear."

"Curse breaking, in London?" Natasha asked, intrigued by his job.

" No, I work in Egypt I drew the short stick in dropping off paperwork." Bill shrugged, looking down at the American girl on the floor who was absent-mindedly blowing stray hair out of her face. A smirk graced his lips again as he added, " I will say the ministry has made some improvements since I was last here."

" Really?"

His smirk grew" Yes, you see they have hired this really beautiful new department head." Natasha's howl filled up the office, Bill looked at her as she let out a truly hearty laugh causing her eyes to crinkle and her head to tilt back. He added" I am not sure if I should ask her out or how I should go about it though?"

" Maybe you should get to know her better first? She might be crazy for all you know." Natasha answered his question laughter still present in her tone. Bill's smirk softened into a grin as he took in the response.

"Merlin, she might be I found her lying in the middle of a room today." Natasha shook her head and grinned as He continued" Seems a bit strange if you ask me."

"Might want to reconsider asking her out."

"No, I like strange."

The bantering ended and the lighthearted atmosphere stayed as they both sat in the silence for a while. Until Bill asked "so you have two siblings?"

Natasha's small grin grew as she thought of her brother" Yes, I have a brother also; his name is Jason he is a professional quidditch player and causes chaos wherever he roams."

" The twins and Ron would love him." Bill said, thinking about all the mishaps they get into." Sorry, you will have to deal with the three of them, mum sent me the twin's howler by accident one time and I still haven't gained back full hearing."

She snorted and added" Jason use to give Lauren the howlers he received."

" Really! That's brilliant." Bill chortled " I'll have to try that on someone."

" One time she wouldn't speak to him for a week after" Natasha added, remembering when Lauren acted like Jason didn't exist. " So, exactly how many Weasley's are going to be attending Hogwarts?" She asked looking at the ginger.

Bill looked at her and answered, " Only five, plus Ginny and Percy should not cause too much trouble."

Natasha sighed" Well, that's a relief. "She stared back down at the file in front of her. Bill watched her eyes and his attention was pulled down to the yellow folder that Natasha had been clutching earlier.

" So, what is in the file?" Bill asked now staring at the yellow file.

Natasha huffed and grabbed the file "This is the cruelest joke ever played on me." She stood up and made her way towards Bill. "They might as well laugh in my face." She made it to Bill and extended her arm out is light green eyes darted from the file to her sparkling blue eyes. " Go ahead, open it and join them in the laughter, I have already."

Bill took the file from her extended hand not breaking Eye contact until he opened the file.

Eloise Midgen

Ritchie Coote

Jack Sloper

Victoria Frobisher

Geoffrey Hooper

Andrew Kirke

Demelza Robins

Cormac McLaggen

Neville Longbottom

Ginny Weasley

Romilda Vane

Natalie McDonald

Jimmy Peakes

Euan Abercrombie

Mary MacDonald

Penelope Clearwater

Roger Davies

Eddie Carmichael

Cho Chang

Marietta Edgecombe

Mandy Brocklehurst

Michael Corner

Stephen Cornfoot

Kevin Entwhistle

Anthony Goldstein

Su Li

Morag McDougal

Padma Patil

Lisa Turpin

Luna Lovegood

Orla Quirke

" These are just names." Bill states flipping through more pages in the file and seeing nothing but names on all of them. Natasha Laughs and plops into one of the desk chairs.

" They expect me to have a comprehensive and detailed files about all the students at Hogwarts in one month." Natasha spurts out between her laughter.

Bill chuckles" I thought I had it rough" closing the file he places it on the desk and looks at a slowly calming Natasha.

" Could be worse" She shrugs a small manic smile still present. " I could have no names."




A/N: I finally did it, I wrote more than two pages.

Surviving - B.Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now