"That may be true of Samiya. What makes Amber happy is responsible for ninety-five percent of my gray hair," Gabriel warned. "Taking her skating may cause your first one tonight."

"It'll be a gray hair well-earned then."

Amber simply grinned at her parents, doing a jig in her seat. Now that she thought about it, skating seemed like a great idea. She hadn't been in a few months, and she wanted to go.

"Please come, Samiya," Amber begged, taking her wife's hand.

Samiya covered her eyes and shook her head. "No, Amber."

Amber pulled Samiya's hand away and Samiya squeezed her eyes shut, refusing to give into Amber's pouting. "Pleeeeeeeeease, amorcita. Please?"


Just when Samiya thought it was safe, she opened her eyes and fell victim to the pout although she did her very best to resist.

"Fine," she said on a sigh. "See what you did, Brandon."

"I don't."

"Well you will. Once again, you've done it."

Brandon looked to her parents, but Gabriel simply raised his hands in surrender, agreeing with Samiya. Nayeli was smiling at the three.

"Well, kids. It was great seeing you, girls. It was nice to meet you, Brandon. Gabriel and I have some business to attend to."

Amber shook her head at her mother and got up. "I hope the college one doesn't come home and hear you."

Nayeli just smiled at her daughter and winked. "We'll be very quiet."

"I'm sure you will."

The trio parted ways with Amber's parents and started for home. "Brandon, do you want me to drop you off and Amber and I go home to get ready?"

"Yes. I'll pick you up." Brandon looked up at the rearview mirror at Amber. "I am paying, Amber."

"Why wouldn't you?"

Samiya rolled her eyes at her wife.

With Brandon at home, the women made their way home to start showering and getting ready. Samiya went to take her shower in the hall bathroom to force Amber to shower expeditiously.

When they were getting ready, Samiya refused to allow Amber to do her makeup first because she knew that she would ruin it.

 Samiya gave Amber a crown braid and allowed her curls to frame her head. "What do you want, Samiya?" Amber wondered as she got up and Samiya sat down, running her fingers through Samiya's head.

"You can do some twists into a bun," Samiya decided.

Just as the girls got dressed, Brandon happened to show up, and Samiya was pleased. "See what we accomplish when you're not trying to make out all the time, Berri?"

"I don't like it."

Samiya rolled her eyes again and went to let Brandon in while Amber grabbed their skates. When he came up the stairs, he was pleasantly surprised to see the girls dressed and ready to go.

"You ladies look nice," he told them, looking them over appreciatively.

"Yes we do," Amber agreed, taking Samiya's hand and his, closing the door. "Where is Amita, Amber?"

"She went to visit her brother. She will be staying the night. So when you go back with Brandon tonight, I am going to paint."

"Come with us."

"I want to paint. Brandon, tell her to leave me alone tonight so I can paint."

"Amber, if Sammi wants to come back with us, she's welcome. But if she wants to be alone tonight to paint, we should respect that. If she changes her mind, my door is always open to her."


Brandon didn't know how he was going to deal with this brattiness for the next several years. He was sure that he would learn to occasionally block it out, as Samiya seemed to know just when and how to ignore her wife's petty demands.

When they got to the roller rink, Brandon finally noticed the bag in Amber's hand as the girls opted not to rent skates.

"Do you want us to wait on you?" Samiya asked Brandon.

"No, go on," he told them, going to get his skates.

Just as the girls made it onto the skating floor, Good Kisser by Usher was coming on. Samiya shook her head. She knew that look her wife was giving her all too well, and it was a damn good thing that she could skate.

Brandon had just gotten his skates and was sitting down to put them on when he noticed the girls.

Intrigued by their tango, he halted what he was doing and instead watched the two of them doing their thing.

Brandon wasn't the only one awed by the couple as people began to clear way for them, watching as the lights dimmed and the DJ had a spotlight following them around the rink although a few other people were still skating.

This must have been what Samiya was trying to warn him about when she asked whether he was a strong skater. He would never have been able to keep up with Amber as she danced her tango on wheels. He would have bust his ass and probably caused her to fall as well.

Amber smiled at her wife, turning her own body, feeling Samiya's hands caress her sides as she slid down and came up around her, Samiya's arm resting on her lower back as they spun around a few times.

Brandon knew there was no way he was good enough to do this with Amber. He was so glad that she had begged her wife to come because he wanted to see her have a good time. He wanted to see her show off. He just knew she couldn't show off with him.

Although Samiya had told Brandon that he'd done it, she seemed to be enjoying herself with Amber, smiling in a way that he rarely got to see with her whenever she and Amber were face to face.

Amber was doing most of the actual dancing with Samiya taking what would traditionally be the man's position. For what it was worth, Samiya was keeping up with her Latin wife and giving it right back to her, displaying a side of her that Brandon never would have imagined existed.

"Damn," he mumbled to himself as the song came to a close.

Brandon could have watched his girlfriends dance that tango all night long. That was talent if he had ever seen it.

When Chandelier by Sia came on, Samiya released her wife and skated towards the bars in front of Brandon's seat. "Come on, get your skates on," she urged as Amber rolled up beside her, looking at Brandon.

"Why are you just sitting there? Come skate with us."

"I think I should just watch."

"I want you to come with us."

The women exchanged looks, and Amber laughed. "If it helps, we'll keep it nice and slow for you, chulo."

"She intimidated me at first too. And I was always roller skating in high school. We can let Amber go off by herself when she gets that urge. Come on."

Brandon decided to go on ahead and skate with the girls. A few times, Amber did need to go off and do her own thing. Each time, Brandon was mesmerized by her.

When Amber came back after taking a solo to Partition, she took Brandon's hand and leaned on his arm. "One day, you're going to have to do a routine with me."

Samiya shook her head. "Oh boy. Baby, you better learn to skate," she warned.

"I know how to skate."

"Mm mm, Brandon. You're going to have to learn to really skate." Samiya glanced at her wife. "This good kisser over here took shit light with that tango."


"But I am a good kisser, and I will get lipstick on your legs and repay you if that's what you want. Ask Samiya. I'm all over the compensation. Anything you want. Even baked goods."

Brandon knew he was in for it with the bowling, but he had no idea. 

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