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yo. Fluffy chapter for y'all. 

Sapnap had been quick to end his stream and walk out with a face palm, not acknowledging Dream or George as he walked out. Dream's ears lowered and he frowned guiltily.

" Hey Gogy... Why is it so bad if we're seen? " Asked Dream.

" Because, you shouldn't exist in the regular world, and I should be dead. " George sighed.

" I still don't get it. " He frowned.

" Nevermind, it's just bad, okay? " George said sharply.

Dream hesitated before nodding, he hid his demon features and walked out. He didn't really know he was doing, but the atmosphere was too harsh for him. Or maybe he'd grown soft. He wasn't sure.

He shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket, his mask strapped tightly to his face. He didn't mind the heat despite being in a hoodie. He was from hell after all.

He looked around before walking into a random place. Probably wasn't the safest thing to do, but he had watched many different people do it moments prior, so he figured it was okay.

When he walked in he saw people bustling about. He tilted his head and strolled down each aisle. He recognized the familiar blue box that had made him so violently ill and frowned.

He turned away from it and kept walking. He stops at teriyaki strips and tilts his head. He shook it before he kept walking, his smile growing as he explored.

He stared down the next aisle at a new section before sprinting over to it excitedly. A couple people looked up and stared at him but he couldn't care less as he poked through the different raw meats.

His eyes settled on the bacon and he snatched it up. He hopped down the aisle towards the doors. His gaze was drifting on multiple different things.

He walked out of the store and loud alarms startled him out of his hungry trance. He forced his ears to stay hidden as he jerked up right in surprise.

" God that's loud. " He complained.

" Hey! Bring that back before I call the police! " A man shouted angrily. Dream panicked and sprinted away inhumanly fast.

He ran down the street and slammed into the house, his heart pounding. He didn't understand why the man had been so mad. He was just hungry.

" Dream!?! Where were you? " George gasped, looking up swiftly. Sapnap looked up beside him. The relief that washed over both of their faces confused the imp.

" I went on a walk to get food. " He said with a shrug before letting his features reappear. His ears were perked completely vertically.

" Get... Food? " George said slowly, squinting at him. " Did you even have cash on you? "

" I don't know what cash is, but I grabbed some bacon and a man got angry at me. So I ran! " He smiled, showing off the package. The other boys' faces fell.

" Dream. You're supposed to pay for that. " Dream tilted his head and tore open the package.

" Do you at least want me to cook that? " Sapnap asked, flinching when Dream picked up a piece.

The blonde shrugged. " I never ate anything cooked in hell. " He chirped before shoving a piece in his mouth.

" Ewww Dream..." George groaned as Sapnap fake gagged.

Dream munched happily away at his bacon, swinging his legs and swaying to and fro.

" At least he's enjoying it. " Sighed Sapnap while shaking his head.

" This stuff is really good. " He hummed as he put the rest away in the fridge.

" That's good. " George sighed.

" Demons are weird. " Snorted Sapnap.

" I'm an imp, not a demon, snapmap. " Dream chimed.

" Snapmap? Don't ever call me that again. " Dream frowned.

" Why? That's your name. " Sapnap glared at George who threw his hands up in defense.

" It's Sapnap. " He told the blonde.

" Uhm. Snapmap! That's what I said? " Dream continued tilting his head like a puppy.

" S a p n a p " He said even slower.

" Snapmap. "

" Okay- Here try this. Repeat after me; Sap... "

" Saaap..."

" Naaap."

" Naaap. "

" Now put it together. Sapnap. "

" Snapmap. "

Sapnap groaned and face palmed. " I give up. " George was laughing hysterically behind them.

" I- I recorded that. " He choked out between his laughter.

" Oh god. " Sapnap gave in and started laughing too.

Dream blinked a couple of times, refusing to succumb to the highly contagious laughter.

George wrapped his arms around Dream. " You're too precious. " He cooed.

" Woah guys chill, children are in the room. " Cried Sapnap, shielding his eyes.

Dream's cheeks tinted pink as he smiled sheepishly.

The three stood up and stretched.

" Hey, we should teach Dream how to play minecraft! " Sapnap suggested excitedly.

" Yeah! I'm down. " Said George, glancing over at Dream for confirmation.

" I'd love to learn. " He said with a nod.

The group had been sitting together over an hour and Sapnap was amazed by how fast Dream learned how to play.

" God, how are you so good at this already? " He complained. Dream gave his iconic tea kettle laugh.

" It just clicked I guess! " He said excitedly.

" I'm gonna win this so fast. I'll be the best. " Declared Dream.

" Alright, We'll see. " snickered George.

Dream narrowed his eyes at the screen and maneuvered his little character. He gave a cry of victory that turned to one of terror as a ghast shot at him the moment he went through the portal.

He sprinted away desperately but the ghast shot a hole in the netherack flooring, sending his character barreling into the giant lake. He shrieked as he tried to save his poor character before burning in the lava.

He slammed his hands on the table. " Did you see that bullshit!?! " He roared furiously. Sapnap was in tears from laughing so hard.

" You would.. make a great streamer. " He choked out between laughs. Dream smiled. 


another chapter


lmao Hi. critiques, suggestions or tips? 

Also, Hi Ghost. * waves * 

Moony <3

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