Discoveries Part 2

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The black talons gripped onto your shoulders tightly as you and the creature they belonged to soared up and away from the battle. You were kinda confused as to why you, the dragon and it's rider were leaving the firefight. "Wha- where are we going? Shouldn't you help the gang?" But you were met with no response as you headed towards the coastline.
The beach was sandy with big black and grey rocks scattered across it, large cliffs loomed above casting shade over everything. Every once and a while a large wave would crash upon the rocks and sand, spraying the area with salt. The sounds of shouting vikings were drowned out with the booming of the waves as the shore grew closer and closer, soon enough your feet, well foot, reached the sand, not gracefully mind you the dragon dropped you a couple feet making you stumble forwards bringing your knees to meet the sand as well, before you looked up again a loud splash was heard to your right and you saw the same blue tail as before disappear into the frigid blue waters.
Without warning, the wind picked up carrying the smell of smoke with it as it churned up the sea making large waves take the place of the once small ones that previously lapped at the shore. The large destructive crashed down upon the sand and rocks, one after another, relentlessly. The waves partnered with the gusts that moved along the beach and bluffs, sent a grayish-blue wraith of salt spray up, clouding your vision, but as the mist cleared there sat a magnificent beast, basking in the sun and the mere sight of it was enough to make a shiver shoot along your spine.

Visions suddenly rushed to your head, blessing you with a massive migraine, of which would normally bother you, but currently you focused on what played out in your mind more than the real world

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Visions suddenly rushed to your head, blessing you with a massive migraine, of which would normally bother you, but currently you focused on what played out in your mind more than the real world.
You were someplace else, talking with a strong, authoritative looking man, but you couldn't make out what he was saying. Behind him sat the same dragon, although it looked smaller and less... confident? You vision lowered as you took a knee in front of the man and lowered your head.
Before you could analyze what was happening your vision blurred and you were in another place, this time in the middle of the woods, but still, there was the dragon. You both were by a campfire, and it was peaceful, until you were whisked away again.
You were soaring through the night sky, wind rushing by you and the blue dragon, until you started to free fall. Your stomach lurched as you plummeted towards the water until you were met by the chill of water and were fully submerged. But instead of swimming up to the surface your fingers were met by the feel of a saddle and you, still submerged, lowered yourself down onto it. As quickly as you did, the pair of you shot of through the water.
The visions slowly faded as you came back to reality, other visions had come before you, but too fast did they leave, because you couldn't quite comprehend them, but it was clear that you knew this dragon.
Suddenly the pain of the migraine kicked in, causing your hands fly up to your temples and you felt unknown tears on your soft cheeks. The dragons head cocked to something behind you making you look as well, seeing Toothless landing, and smiling when seeing the green eyed boy jump off. He rushed over to you until he saw the beast on the rock, which made him slow until he stood beside you.
"The new dragon..." he trailed off.
"No," he looked at you strangely, "that's a Hydraith."

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Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃

Girl with a heart of a dragon (female reader x hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now