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Your POV.
"...and that's how I lost my leg!" Hiccup concluded his story. All I could do was stare in shock at how enthusiastic he was about almost dying.
"Wow..." I finally said making them laugh once more. "Well you've answered almost all my questions, thank you!" Astrid looked at me questioning like stare but Hiccup just smiled. Oden I can't get his smile out of my head, it just fits there so perfectly and his lips look so soft and-
"Almost?" Astrid snapped me out of my trance and my face heated up ever so slightly.
"Yah, you never really told me how this happened." Gesturing again to my amputated leg and Astrid nodded in response.
"Well Toothless and I were out on our morning fly and Toothless heard something, soon I heard it to and it turned out to be a landslide. I thought that dragon hunters may have caused it and dragons may have needed our help, so we flew closer. When we were surveying the area we heard you screaming for help. We found you underneath a heap of rubble and debris, so I figured you got caught in the landslide. Then we brought you back here and the best Healer from Berk treated your wounds, sadly she couldn't save your leg seeing it was crushed to, quite literally a pulp." He finished.
I didn't know what to say so I just kept my head in my hands, of which I had subconsciously placed during the story. A silence filled the room until Astrid broke it "Oh! Hiccup don't you have something for Aurora?" My head raised from my hands and tilted in curiosity.
"Oh right!" Hiccup ran off quickly ran of and returned with a satchel. He motioned to turn and I did, my body now facing out away from the table and my legs hanging over the outside of the bench. Hiccup knelt down in front of me reaching into the satchel. His hand appeared and with it so did a metal mechanism that looked like what Hiccup had attached to his leg. "I hope I got the measurements correct, this should do for now until I can make one with your input." He said and gently grabbed hold of the wood already connected to my leg. I winced when he moved it, a wave of pain washing through the rest of my leg.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Hiccup exclaimed as he noticed.
"It's okay you just want to help me." I gave him a weak smile and bit my lip to stop tears from falling. He continued to tie on the prosthetic leg, showing me how to do it at the same time, seeing I have to live with this now. "Thank you Hiccup."
"For what?" He looked at me confused.
"For taking care of me and going out of the way to make me a prosthetic."
"Well it wasn't just me, Astrid and the gang helped out a lot too. And plus we can't have you hobbling around can we?" He smiled. I felt my face heat up again but noticed Astrid had disappeared, at that moment someone burst into the room.
"Um, Hiccup, I don't want to interrupt anything but we have a problem!" He said
"What is it Tuff?" Hiccup said while standing up.
"Dragon Hunters!" With that Hiccup and him ran off leaving me alone.
Kinda shocked, it took me a second to process what was happening. I fallowed behind them wobbling with every step, sometimes having to stop and use the walls or beams for support. The two guys disappeared from my sight, so I decided to take a moment and sit down, back against the wall. I looked out off the wooden path at the ocean. I could see a couple of ships but not enough to be an armada. Just then I heard loud wing flaps, so I looked up only to see a red dragon fly overhead. I was still in shock, but not really afraid anymore. I continued to watch the dragon as it flew out towards the ships other dragons shortly joining it. I was so focused on the dragons that I didn't even hear someone coming up beside me.
"Well looky what we have here!" A big man said to the rest of the men, which all so happened to be wearing the same uniform. I jolted up to my feet and started to run/hobble off in the other direction. "Haha! Look Y/N is trying to run off!" The man said again, but I was confused why he said Y/N. It didn't matter right now, what did was getting away from these creepy guys. I ran/hobbled even faster. "Oh No You Don't! Not After You Screwed Dagger Over Like That!" He with no trouble at all caught up to me and grabbed me by the arm roughly. He yanked it and I went tumbling downwards towards him, hitting the ground hard.
"Uhhh..." I mumbled everything spinning from the quick movement. Before I could think the man picked me up by the hair. I shrieked in pain before being thrown into the ground even harder. The men in uniform rushed over and painfully picked me up, one on either shoulder and one on each of my wrists, their fingers digging into my flesh.
"Just you WAIT until DAGER finds out we found you after all these months! And HERE of all places!" He exclaimed while chuckling sadistically, a mad smile plastered on his face. "Oi men, you think we'll get a raise?" They all laughed madly at his comments.
"LET GO OF ME YOU FIENDS!" I exploded tears runny down my face.
"Look, little Y/N is trying to escape how cute! MEN," he turned starting to walk towards a forest line "bring her to the boat!"
"NO!!!" My cry echoed out.
Just then a f/c blast erupted out of nowhere hitting two of the men holding me. The blast just missed me but I could feel the heat resonating from it. The three men left, looked around shocked, trying to find what shot at us. The two men holding me unconsciously loosened their grip, just enough for me to slip out of. Reefing myself out of the hold I ran and ducked behind some nearby barrels. Holding my need to my crest and putting my hands on the back of my head (out of fear and pain), I shut my eyes tight and two more blasts erupt.
I couldn't pry myself from my spot for several minutes, but I mustered up enough courage to peek out. When I did there was, ash and soot surrounding three smoking holes in the path, but no men. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of lapis blue and black intertwined to form a fish like tail...

'What in Oden's name just happened?!?'

Sorry for the very slow uploads but LIFE has been happening.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Girl with a heart of a dragon (female reader x hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now