Discoveries Part 1

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3rd Person
Astrid starred down at your wet, crossed legged figure after you gave her an explanation. "So let me get this straight," Astrid began, "you passed out on the docks and then when you see an unidentified creature in the water you dive in after it?" You nodded your head not seeing what what the issue was, "I can't figure you out, comon let's get you dirtied off," she extended her hand, which you gladly took.

Fishlegs bombarded you with questions after Astrid told the gang about your early morning dip.
"How big was it? Did it have one head or two? What colour was it? Did it have wings?" He rambled on as you looked at Astrid who only mouthed, "sorry."
"I-I didn't really get a good look at it other than it's head," you scratched the back of your neck.
"What shape were its eyes then-" Fishlegs got cut off by Snoutlout.
"Bla, bla, bla! BORING! Now Y/N, did you miss me? I know you did," Snoutlout grabbed your hand and kissed it making you laugh awkwardly.
"Um, I saw you yesterday so, no?" He looked both shocked and hurt by your comment, which made everyone burst out in laughter. The boy sulked away somewhere, before Hiccup joined the conversation as well.
"Well Y/N clearly saw some kind of dragon, it could've have been a Scauldron, but that's very unlikely, their known for their wild behaviour,"He stated.
"We all would've been able to hear if it was a Thunderdrum, maybe a Shockjaw?" Fishlegs questioned, "what colour was it Y/N?"
"A deep blue colour, why?"
"Well then it's not a Shockjaw or a Tide Glider." Fishlegs raised his hand to his chin, "Hiccup can you think of any tidal class that would fit inside the bay, that's also a deep blue?"
"No I can't," he muttered.
The boys rambled together in a huddle, meanwhile you stood there in absolute confusion as in what they were going on about.
The twins noticed your confusion and snickered, sneaking over to you until Astrid shot them a knowing look that could kill, which made them stop in their tracks. "Astrids so mean bro!"
"I know she never lets us have any fun!" As if a lightbulb lit up inside there brains a mischievous look spread across their faces, and simultaneously the whistles while walking away from the shrinking group. Astrid sighed out and followed them to make sure they didn't ignite the supply of Monstrous Nightmare jell, AGAIN. So now you were left with the two muttering boys.
"Hey guys whatcha talking about?" They both looked at you with big grins and excitement in their eyes, glancing back and forth from each other.
"Do you want to tell her Fishlegs-"
"We think you discovered a new type of dragon Y/N!" He shrieked at the end and clenched his fists, dancing around.
"Especially if the "rock" you found is in fact a scale that belongs to it!" Hiccup added on with an ecstatic smile.
"Wait you and Y/N found evidence of a new dragon, AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!?" Fishlegs was astounded.
"Yah sorry, I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up," Hiccup chuckled and rubbed his neck, "but now that we have more evidence why don't you show him Y/N?" He directed his attention at you.
"Ok," you nodded at his words and knelt down pushing a button on the prosthetic, which in turn ejected the rock/scale into your hand.
Fishlegs was in total awe of both the scale and the engineering of your leg. "Oh wow! May I see it?" He asked, which you responded to with extending your hand out to his. The boy examined the scale closely, leaving the air curiously quiet.
You and Hiccup glanced back and forth from each other before the brunette spoke up, "what do you think Fishlegs?"
"I've never seen a scale like it, it's translucent, almost like glass," the blond responded.
"Do you think we're dealing with a sharp class then? It would explain why we didn't recognize anything from the tidal class," the boys started to ramble back and forth again.
"Maybe, although the dragon Y/N saw and this scale may not even be related."
Hiccup nodded, "that is very true Fishlegs, there are a lot of variable-"
He was interrupted by Hookfang landing.
"Oh my Thor! There's time for geeking out later guys, dragon hunter ships have been spotted on the north side of the island!" Snoutlout practically shouted.
"Oden! Again?!" Hiccup sighed, "how many ships?"
"Too many," Snoutlout sounded solemn.
"Okay, Y/N your coming with me, I don't feel comfortable leaving you here after what happened last time." You nodded your head and followed him to Toothless. Fishlegs and Snoutlout already left and we're flying towards the north. Hiccup offered you a hand and the two of you boarded Toothless. "Hold on tight okay?" You grabbed hold of Toothless's saddle behind you and before you new it you were high in the sky. The sudden takeoff startled you but you didn't loose balance, instead you shifted your weight forward and grabbed in-front of you.
"You alright back there?" Hiccup questioned feeling your closeness.
"Yeah I'm fine, just haven't done this before," you nervously chuckled.
"Well your doing much better then Snoutlout did the first time he rode a dragon!" He chuckled back.
"Yeah, he couldn't even mount Hookfang, let alone fly 10 feet without lighting himself on fire!" He laughed at the memory, but he stoped when he saw the armada you were approaching. "Y/N, hold onto me, we're going to dive," you did what you were told and as soon as you did you started to plummet.
The speed you were going at slightly stung your eyes, so you closed them and slightly tightened your grasp on Hiccup, as to not fall off. Wind rushed past you, whistling in your ears and whipping your hair around. The whistling only stopped when a blast was heard, then another blast, and another. As to see what was happening you opened your eyes slightly and when you did you were met with the feeling of fear and excitement all at once as Toothless skillfully swerved around ships, dodging bolas and arrows.
"Nightfury!!!" Some men on the ships cried out.
"Focus your aim on it! Don't let it get away!" Another red haired man yelled orders at the other men. Suddenly the sky was filled with arrows but Toothless dodged them again flawlessly and shot up to the clouds, out of bow range.
Squawks and Astrids voice quickly joined the fray of sounds, "hiccup what's the plan?" She inquired but you didn't really pay attention to the boys answer, no, you were paying more attention to the literal firefight bellow. The twins were making walls of fire causing men to jump overboard to avoid being toasted, the same went for the Monstrous Nightmare and Gronckle. The red haired man was very small now, but you could still hear him shouting commands, while pointing at the two high flying dragons.
Astrid and Hiccup were just finishing their conversation right as you tuned back in, "Y/N, go with Astrid. Toothless and I are going down there to see what Daggur wants this time."
"Okay then, be careful," you used Hiccups shoulders as slight support as you stood on Toothless's saddle and readied yourself to jump to Stormfly. Much to your dismay a crossbow arrow reached a bit higher than the others and naturally the black dragon dodged it, but the sudden movement made you loose balance. "Oh Thor," was all that escaped your lips as you plummeted yet again.
The ocean bellow quickly approached your body and you got ready to be met with the icy sensation, but it never reached you. Instead a firmness came over your shoulders and all you saw was black talons and translucent blue webbing.

Haha cliffhanger! I tried out a new style, hope you guys liked it!

Girl with a heart of a dragon (female reader x hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now