Somthing Mysterious...

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I wanted to get this out for Christmas, but that didn't happen. So I hope everyone had a good Christmas, think of this as a late Christmas present, hope y'all have a great new year as well! Now with no further ado let's get straight into it!
The girls were getting out and drying off by the time I reached them, so I followed there lead and started to pat myself dry on the edge is a pool. After I was "dry" I put on my skirt, top and...
"Hey girls? Have you seen my leg?" I searched the area around me but to no avail. "I swear I put it right here..."
"We will look around the pools, maybe it rolled somewhere?" Astrid questioned.
"You just stay here!" I looked at Ruffnut.
"It's not like I have another choice." I pointed at my knee.
"Oh yah! Forgot!" Astrid and I facepalmed as they went off.
*sigh...* "I hope they don't take long..." I mumbled as I layed back onto the smooth stone surface. Minutes passed by, but it felt like hours. 'This is so boring, there's nothing to do!'
Suddenly there was a splash behind me and I shot up. "Astrid? Tuff?" A glimmer caught my eye and I could see something sinking to the bottom of the pool. 'The girls aren't back yet... might as well.' Once again my outer shell of clothes came off and I dove in. May I just say it's a lot harder to swim without a leg? I open my eyes and continued my plummet to the bottom. My lungs burn, but my fingers brushed the surface of something metallic.
I brought it up to the surface gasping for air, taking a moment to swim to the edge before examining my find.
"Ruff! Hiccup told me about your pranks! Haha you got me now come out so we can head back!" I said waving my leg around, but there was no response. 'Oh well if there going to be like that then I'll go back myself. I think I know the way back?' Once I was dressed and my leg was on again I hobbled off in the way of the Edge. To my surprise though, I bumped into the girls.
"Now you guys come out from hiding, I thought I would have to find my way back myself! Although I'm impressed with how you managed to through it in without me seeing you!" They looked at each other.
"Y/N? What are you talking about?" Astrid asked?
"Really, I called you out and your still going on with the charade?"
"What are you talking about? We were looking around the pools until we heard you yelling." Ruffnut firmly stated. I looked in their eyes and could see they were telling the truth.
"Then how did my limb end up at the bottom of the pool..."
"What are you talking about?" I explained.
"Well that's weird... HEY! What if it was smidvarg or one of his gang?"
"That could be a possibility..."
"Who's Smidvarg and his gang?"
"Oh right you haven't met them yet, there small dragons called Night Terrors."
"Smidvarg is the leader of them, hence the gang, and they can work together to form shapes-"
"They form giant dragons!"
"Thank you Ruff..."
"Your welcome!"
"Uggg... but yes they form dragon SHAPES and help protect the island."
"Cool! But how dose this connect to my leg?"
"Well Tuff and Ruff kinda... Trained? Them."
"Oh ok... well it's getting dark shouldn't we get back to the Edge?"
"Yah probably, as much as this island is safe we've had some agressif Nadders before."
"Well come on then! Let's go!" Ruff started running off toward the edge and Astrid helped me along, seeing as I was skipping to keep up.

~When they reach the Edge~

We raced over to the clubhouse, but the leg was starting to stiffen up, so Astrid helped.
"Hey bro have you seen Smidvarg and the gang?"
"Why yes my dear sister, I was just... training them." Hiccup shook his head at Tuffnut knowing he was just fooling around with the dragons.
"How long ago?" Astrid interrogated.
"Well up to right before Fishlegs dragged me here for some "male team bonding", why?"
"Fishlegs how long ago was that?" I just stayed quite and let Astrid do her thing.
"A half hour maybe? But I'm on the same page as Tuff, why are you asking all these questions?"
"Oh well something happened at the spring and we were wondering if Smidvarg or the gang could be responsible for it..." Astrid trailed off.
"But if you had Smidvarg, then the gang is never far behind. And you got called here after the incident, so who could it be?" Astrid mumbled.
I remembered the rocks in the cave and searched my pocket, I don't know when but I put one into it. I pulled it out and held it in my hand.
It's surface was smooth, almost oily, and just at the ornate edges it was like a razor blade. It's colours shifted in the light, almost like the northern lights. I could her everyone talking in the background, but I tuned them out and fidgeted with the rock until someone came up beside me....

Sorry this chapter isn't very long, and late, but I have had some personal life stuff happen lately and this hasn't been #1 in my list to do, so sorry!
Merry Christmas & a happy new year my dear readers!

Girl with a heart of a dragon (female reader x hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now