Chapter Eight

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(Time skip to a few days later)

The other day Sally played in the rain most of the day. When she woke up this morning she started coughing. She stayed in bed while everyone else was downstairs eating breakfast. Ben was the first to notice that she wasn't there. He went up to her room and knocked on the door first before entering. When he walks in he saw her lying on the bed coughing.

"You ok Sally?" Ben walked over feeling her face. She felt hot which is not good.

"I don't feel good." She sniffles while Ben sits beside her. He rubbed the back of his hand against her cheek.

"I'm gonna get Slender." Ben left and soon came back with Slender. He walked over while Ben stood at the door.

"What's wrong Sally?" He bends down to her level.

"I don't feel good." She started coughing again. Slendy teleported out and came back with a bottle of cough syrup. He poured some in a cup and had her drink it.

"Ben keep an eye on her. She should be out soon." The cough syrup he gave her will help her sleep while trying to stop her from coughing. Ben walks over to the bed and sits beside her. After a few she fell asleep. Jill and the others silently walk in.

"How is she? Slender said she's sick." Jill says.

"She's ok. She's just a little hot feeling." When Ben looked back down at her, Sally's cheeks were burning red. Jeff, Masky, and Hoody walk over sitting on her bed.

"I told her she shouldn't have played in the rain so long." EJ says. Everyone sat around for awhile making sure Sally would be ok. When they were sure they left to go about their jobs while Ben watched over Sally. He lied beside her on the bed with his arms behind his head. Sally started tossing in her sleep before shooting up panting and bloody tears running down her face. Ben sat up pulling her to his chest hugging her.

"Shh. It's ok Sally. You're ok." She was still slightly crying and sniffling into his chest. Ben stood up before picking Sally up. He held her in his arms pacing the room trying to get her back to sleep so she could rest. Sally started coughing again and when she stops she buries her face in his neck. She has stopped crying but is not asleep yet.

"I'm tired." She mumbles yawning.

"Then go to sleep." He says.

"I can't sleep." Ben keeps pacing the room. After awhile he gets tired of walking and just floats. He's leaned back like, so Sally is sitting on his stomach. He keeps her wrapped in his arms still trying to get her to sleep. Sally has her head still on his shoulder while he floats around her room. A knock sounded at the door. Jeff came in with Masky and Hoody. They see she's awake.

"How you feeling Sally?" Masky asked.

"Tired." She yawns.

"Jeff can you go get her some juice?" Ben asked. Jeff nods before leaving the room.

"Why are you floating around anyways?" Hoody asked.

"I got tired of pacing trying to get her to sleep." He floats over to the table by her bed and gets the cough syrup. He pours some in the little cup giving it to her. "Here, it's time to take your medicine." Sally takes the cup and makes a face.

"But it's yucky."

"The faster you take it the sooner you will get better." Ben tells her. Sally takes the medicine and makes a face again. Ben and the guys slightly chuckle at her. Jeff came back in and gave her the juice. She takes small sips of it before Ben puts the cup on the table for her. Soon she starts to feel sleepy and is soon out like a light. "Finally, she's asleep." He keeps her in his arms.

(Time skip)

Sally has been in bed a few days sick, but when she woke up she felt better. She gets out of bed changing into light pink shorts and a matching shirt. She then goes downstairs. She looks in the fridge and gets juice out. She pours her some in a glass before drinking it. When she turned around she came face to face with someone she never wanted to see again.

Sally dropped the glass as she screamed. In a blink of an eye she was gone. The glass shattered to the ground. The guys run downstairs seeing the broken glass but not Sally.

"Sally?!" Ben and Jeff yell. They search around not finding anything but a note reading 'time to play Sal'.

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