Chapter Five

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Sally's POV

I found a woman at the park walking. 'Bad night to be walking.' I keep my knife out of sight while I walk out into her sight. She stopped and looked at me. The woman cautiously walks up to me.

"Are you ok sweetie? You seem lost." She must think I'm harmless because she bends down in front of me. "Are you hurt?" I just look at her before an evil grin comes to my face causing me to laugh.

"No, but you will be." She started to back away from me while I brought my knife out to my hand. "Play with me." I lunged at the woman stabbing her in the eye. She let out a blood curdling scream but I only laughed harder. She tried pushing me off of her while blood ran from her eye where I stabbed her. I take my knife from her eye and stab it into the soft spot below the breasts. I twisted the knife in deeper and very slowly let the life drain from her. Blood started to blur my vision over my left eye. I reached my hand up finding that my head is bleeding again. I get off of my victim and head back into the woods to meet up with the boys.

Once to the clearing where Ben told me to meet them at I sit around waiting for them. I can tell my head is still bleeding because I can feel the blood running down my face. I'm just sitting on a big rock swinging my legs back and forth humming Pop Goes the Weasel. I have Charlie on my lap playing with him. 'Where's the guys it seems I've been here forever.' I lie back on the rock groaning. The bushes rustle and out steps the boys. Ben and Jeff come over to me while I'm lying there on the rock.

"I got bored waiting." I simply say holding Charlie over me playing with him. I sit back up looking at the boys. Ben moved closer to my face.

"Did you get cut of something? Your bleeding."

"No, my head does that at times." I move my bangs showing them the gash where it's bleeding. "I think it's a side effect of the immortality." I get off the rock looking up at the boys. Ben takes my hand while Jeff takes my other hand. We start walking back and I started humming Pop Goes the Weasel again. Once we get in the door Jeff takes me to the bathroom then wipes the blood from my face and arms. We return back to the living room and I sit in the floor with LJ in front of me. Jill and the others are all in the living room watching tv but a few are watching me.

LJ had a confused look on his face. "What is it LJ?" He reaches over touching my face.

"This." He shows me his fingers and they have blood on them.

"Oh yea my head is still bleeding." I shrug moving my hand up to my head whipping some of the blood away. Masky ended up getting in front of me on his knees holding my hair off the gash holding my head to the side looking at it. The blood ran into my eyes so I used my hand to wipe the blood away. "It usually stops after an hour or so."

"I'm guessing this happens often."

"All the time but mostly with blood lust." I tried to run my fingers through my bangs but they were already clumped together.

"Guessing that's why her hair was blood coated." EJ says. I nod my head yea once Masky let go.

"Yea I just gave up with trying to keep blood off me. It just gets right back on me after washing it off." I sit there and the blood stops flowing after awhile.

Masky's POV

While sitting in front of Sally we learned a few new things about her. One being that her head bleeds when her blood lust acts up and a little bit of her past. It's kinda nice to learn a little more about Sally. All we knew pretty much is how she died, a little about her family, and a little about the year she spent before I meet her. She now seems bored.

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