Chapter Four

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Sally's POV

I wake up the next morning in Jeff's arms. He's soft feeling. I teleport out of his arms and downstairs finding it to be raining. I love the rain. I get excited about it and just go out the back door. I'm standing on the back porch and then walk out into it. I start twirling around laughing. For once since I came back I feel normal. I feel like I'm alive again. While laughing I run around playing and flipping in the rain. I forgot Charlie and my knife inside but I don't think anyone will hurt me. While I'm flipping I slip and land on the ground. I sit there before laughing.


By the time I woke up everyone was downstairs eating breakfast. I didn't see Sally anywhere.

"Where's Sally?" Everyone looks around before shrugging. We hear laughing and look out the kitchen window seeing brown hair. Jill, Hoody, Masky, Ben, Jeff, and I all walk to the back door before I open it. We see Sally running around twirling in the rain. Blood is washing off her as she plays. We all end up smiling watching her. She does a flip and slips hitting the ground. She just starts laughing before getting up. 'Does pain not effect her or is she just not caring?' I think before speaking up.

"I think you fell." She looks up to the porch seeing us before she smiles.

"Come play with me." She smiles. We all just look at each other before she walks up pulling Jeff and Ben into the rain. Sally starts laughing while twirling around. Jill laughs before running out into the rain joining Sally. They hold hands while spinning around. After a few minutes we get Sally to come inside and she is drenched in water. Her hair is clinging to her face and she no longer has blood on her. She looks like a normal little girl. Jill went upstairs and came back with a towel. She bends down in front of Sally before placing it on her hair. She starts rubbing it on her head to dry her hair. Sally giggles while everyone is watching her. Once Jill is done she removes the towel and Sally's hair is frizzed up. I start laughing and a few others do to. We are all in the living room sitting when Sally walks in the kitchen. I smell candy and run in seeing her holding a bag of candy.

"Candy!!!" She takes off running with me following.

"Mine!!!" She yells. She runs in the living room and behind Jill. She throws more candy in her mouth before the chase is on again. She teleports somewhere in the mansion.

Sally's POV

I teleported up to Dark's room and crawled under his bed. His room was a little messy but I didn't care I was hiding and eating candy. I can hear people around the mansion. I can hear Jeff and Ben upstairs looking for me. I also hear Jill and Masky. I stay quite and eat the candy it seems some of them are not looking. The door opens and I see boots from under the bed. The door closes and they walk over to the bed. They look under seeing me. It's Dark and he starts smirking.

"Planing on sharing that candy?" I hand him some of the candy. "I'm gonna play some games if they come looking I won't tell where you are." I smile mouthing thank you so I'm not heard. He sits on the bed while I continue eating candy. After awhile I fall asleep under Dark's bed.

Jeff's POV

Ben and I were helping LJ look for Sally after she took off with the candy. We checked everyone's room so far but Dark's. We walk in and see him sitting on the bed playing a game.

"Sup?" He asked us.

"Have you seen Sally?" Ben asked. He smirks over at us and nods over to the side of his bed. We walk over and look under seeing Sally asleep with empty candy wrappers. I laugh before getting her out from under the bed.

"She fell asleep hiding." I say shaking my head. She is so adorable. I can't help but get all soft around her. We walk out of Dark's room and back downstairs where we find LJ and everyone waiting. "She ate all the candy and fell asleep." LJ walks over and takes Sally from me. All of us were on guard watching him. He may be our friend but Sally is still a child so we have to watch her at times.

"To adorable!" He squeals. Masky, Hoody, and a few others all surrounded her playing or pinching at her cheeks until she woke up. She is in his arms squirming trying to get down but they wouldn't stop. She started to get fussy because they wouldn't stop.

"Ben go save her." I turned to Ben and he nods before getting Sally then running out of the room. I join Ben in his room where he has Sally sitting on the bed. We play with her until she wants to go out. She grabs her knife and bear then we leave. She skipped at one point until her legs started to hurt then she just walked. For what she went through before dying she sure as hell is happy now. I shrug it off. We keep walking and then I feel a small hand take mine. I look down seeing Sally has mine and Ben's hands. She seems to be in her own little world. Ben just chuckles at her while I smile.

Sally is so adorable. I just tighten my grip on her hand. Since she came around most of us has gone a little softer, even me but I won't admit it. We keep walking and then Sally speaks up.

"How'd you die Ben?" He looks down at her.

"I drowned long ago." She looks over at me.

"What about you? How'd you get the smile?"

"I made it myself. I went a little crazy, killed my family, and ended up here." She is switching looks between us. We finally make it to the edge of the woods. She starts smiling like a manic. I have to admit it was creepy. I took off leaving Ben with Sally.

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