Chapter Six

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Third person POV

(With Sally the next day)

She was sitting in the floor of Masky's room playing with Charlie and her knife when her blood lust started to act up. The gash in her head starts bleeding and her eyes darken. She starts giggling then stands up. Sally walks out in the hallway giggling.

"Oh boys come out and play." She calls out still giggling like a manic. They notice how she sounds realizing it's blood lust. Sally walks downstairs keeping a tight grip on her knife. When she gets down there Jeff sneaks up behind her. She can since him and turns around facing him. "Play with me Jeff." She giggles. She lunges at Jeff ready to spill his blood when Eyeless Jack runs behind her grabbing her. He wraps his arms around her keeping her still. Jeff takes the knife out of her hand. "My knife!" She struggles to get free and get her knife back. "I want to play." She whines.

"Calm down Sally." Ben says. She keeps struggling but eventually she calms down and stops struggling. "Good girl." After Ben said that she disappears out of Eyeless Jack's grip and into the kitchen.

"Oh shit." Hoody says. "What do we do?" They hear giggling.

"She could be anywhere." Masky says. A knife comes flying by Jeff's head and hits into the wall.

"Play with me boys." She giggles. Sally runs into the hallway downstairs watching them.

"Jeff lead her to a house or something!" Ben whisper yells.

"I got a better idea but it might hurt her." They look at Jeff but agree to it. "One of you lure her out." Jeff sneaks off into hiding while Ben acts like the target.

"Oh Sally come out and play with me." He smirks cause of where he used her line. Sally stays in the shadows in the hall to throw knives at him. They barely miss him cause he keeps dodging out of the way.

"You shouldn't have done that!" She giggles after using his line right back at him.

"Don't use my line at me!" Sally runs out of the hallway going to Ben. Just before she reached him Jeff hits her in the back of the head with the butt of his knife. She hits the ground knocked out.

"That was your big plan?" Masky asked.

"I didn't see you coming up with one." Jeff says back at Masky.

"I think I pissed her off using her line." Ben laughs.

"I think she pissed you off more using yours." Hoody laughs and Masky joins in. Ben glares at them. Jeff picks Sally up like a baby holding her. "Jeff go put her in her room it's finished." He goes upstairs to put her in the room while the others stay in the living room.

"I forgot that we would practically have to raise a child." Masky says.

"I don't know how to take care of children. I just know how to kill them." Laughing Jack says.

"We will figure it out." Eyeless Jack says.

"Maybe we should get a few humans to keep around so if Sally's blood lust takes over again." Hoody says just brainstorming. The others don't say anything but they just sit there in the living room thinking. Jeff comes back down to join them. They sit around talking about what to do and how to raise a child.

Jeff, Ben, Hoody, Masky, and the rest of them sit around in the living room. Ben starts up a game on Black Ops 2 and Jeff joins in while everyone else watches. After awhile EJ goes and hangs in his room.

Sally is knocked out for hours before she wakes up. She sees that her surroundings is new. She gets off the bed and walks out into the hall going downstairs. When Sally gets downstairs she sees Ben and Jeff playing a video game. She sneaks over behind the couch watching them still undetected.

After awhile of her watching she sees Jeff getting pissed. "BEN! STOP GLITCHING ME YOU FUCKING FAG!"

"What does fucking fag mean?" Sally smiles and they turn to see her behind the couch watching.

"Ummm." They all say before looking at each other.

"How long have you been there?" Masky asked.

"Awhile." She smiles. "Now tell me what fucking fag means."

"It means cool." Jeff whispers in her ear. She nods her head.

"Oh ok Jeff." Sally goes back to watching but she sits on the couch in between Hoody and Masky. She giggles when Jeff dies and he gets pissed.

Night finally falls and Eyeless Jack comes out of his room joining them in running out the door. They run into a neighborhood and brake into houses starting the killing spree for the night. Sally enjoys her first killing spree out with the guys. After hours of killing they return back home. Jeff and Ben go back to playing there game but Sally gets Charlie to play with him.

"So when do I get my revenge?" She questions them.

"When we start training so give it a few days." Masky tells her.

She looks down. "Sorry about trying to kill you guys earlier. I just kinda slipped into blood lust and couldn't slip out."

"It's ok Sally. It's not like one of us hasn't slipped into bloodlust and tried killing each other. Jeff does that sometimes." Hoody tells her. She smiles and goes back to watching the guys play there game. Hours pass and she falls asleep leaning on Masky's shoulder. Hoody looks over at her seeing she's asleep.

"Aww look how adorable she is Masky." Masky looks down smiling even though his mask covers the smile on his lips. The others left Jeff, Masky, Ben, and Hoody in the living room while they went to bed.

"She fell asleep." He laughs. Hoody reaches for her but Masky stops him. "Just leave her when we go up you can take her then." They sit around watching but hours pass and they all pass out but Hoody who turns the tv off. Masky fell asleep lying on Sally with his arm draped over her while Jeff and Ben were sitting in the floor with their heads back on the couch. Hoody just goes upstairs to his room and goes to sleep.

(Ok to help you out with that picture Sally is lying out on the couch and Masky is kinda on her. He is lying there with his arm over her. Then Jeff and Ben are in the floor with their heads leaned back on the couch. Ok that's it. =*.*=)

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