Author's note

96 8 23

Life told me I'm gonna feel like an awful piece of shit, but I said that I AM an awful piece of shit and dared it to challenge me.

So life squirted lemons in my eyes and I shoved vinegar up it's ass.

Now, life is crying in the corner while I'm angry it underestimated me to this extent. 

As a conclusion, I'm not sorry for updating-....... ;p

And I also don't really have a valid excuse/explanation for it, just that I did it. 

You may have seen me reading and commenting on random fanfics too. I read some other stories of all genres for inspiration, I ain't a genius like SIU.

My updates will slowdown to 2-3 times a week due to school and other activities that I have to do. 

I realize that I might have worried some of you, but I'm not really sorry LMAO. I'm not a person to really care about others, so ya gonna have to deal with my ice-cold heart.

Although, I've been doing some thinking and decided to make an Q/A! I thought it would be fun so I'm going to list people/characters at the bottom so that you'll be able to ask your questions.

Before I do that, I'm gonna go over some rules.

1. Do whatever the hell you want.

Boom. Finito. 

Ask whatever you want, as many questions you want, I'll try to answer them with the best of my abilities.

You can ask more then one question, related to the fanfic or not. You can ask me to do things for you, I'll do it. As long as it is not offensive to anyone, go crazy.

I'll be leaving the 'asking questions' open for about a week. On Sunday, 4:00pm it will be closed and you cannot ask anymore questions. If you do I won't answer them.

Also, be mindful that there will be a case where a few questions are going to be asked more than once. So if you don't see your question, it will appear sooner or later with different wording.

Here are the names:

The 25th Bam

Khun Aguero Agnes

Rak Wraithraiser

Yuri Jahad and Evan Edrok

Rachel(pls don't over do it LOL)

Lero ro, Quant, and Hansung Yu

Shibisu and team


Have fun!

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