Chapter 11: The System

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Ok I know I haven't been posting as much so to make u all forgive me I'll let u have a sneak peak into my life..... :0 On my account I posted an announcement so check it out. Onto the story!

Khun Pov

That damn bastard! Meddling in to my personal life that now even Bam is questioning me, how does he even know so much about me? I didn't know that the information about me was spread around so quickly among the Knights.

"Blue turtle, I'm thirsty." Rak said taking me out of my thoughts.

"So?" I responded.

"Get me something to drink!"

Then a heard shuffling from beside and me and turned my head. Bam was standing and smiled to Rak.

"Don't worry I'll go get it for you!" The brown-haired boy said, I should stop calling him boy though.

He rushed off to the cafeteria and started talking to the cashier. I was uneasy about him going all alone, so I kept an eye on him the entire time.

I could here faint talking, then Bam started to rummage through his pockets and looking at the cashier with worry. What was going on?

I was about to get up when I saw another man, around my height walk up to my friend with a smile. He handed the man a few points and flashed the cashier a smile before walking back with Bam towards us.

"Khun! I made a new friend, his name is Shibisu!" He excitedly said to me.

Looking at him I saw that he wore a purple with yellow lines tracksuit and black sneakers. His head was shaved and he had more of a tan skin color with freckles across his face. I raised my eye-brow, he looks like a dork.

"Hi, my name is Khun Aguero Agnis, just call me Khun. I am Bam's friend and teammate." I said to him, I'm a bit skeptical about this guy.

"I am Rak Wraithraiser. The leader of this team!" Rak announced to the dork.

"And you can just call him 'gator." I rolled my eyes.

"I am not an alligator!" The 'gator yelled at me.

The dork chuckled and smiled. "Well, Bam you have an interesting team." He then wrapped an arm around Bam, I swear if he hurts him, I'll chop off that arm.

"Yeah! But I really like them!" The brown-haired man said in response.

I lightly smirked. "Hey, you name is Shibisu right? Where's your team and how did you get points?"

He turned his head and pointed to another couch with his arm that wasn't around Bam. "That's my team, the lizard and the guy with two swords. Their names are Anaak and Hatz."

Shibisu finally let go of Bam and plopped down beside me. "We've been here for about 3 weeks, so I got a job and earned a couple hundred points. Our test took a little longer than expected because Anaak and Hatz....well they don't exactly get along very well." He glanced at me and continued.

"So, how long have you been here?" The dork asked me.

I sighed and leaned back onto the sofa. "A couple days, I'd say at least 3 at the most."

"Hey stop ignoring me tracksuit turtle!" 

He smirked. "Turtle?"

I waved Rak off. "Yeah, he calls everyone turtles, even a Knight. Just ignore him."

With the last sentence I could hear the 'gator protest then finally quiet down. The dork's attention directed to Bam.

"So how did you all meet?" Shibisu asked my friend.

Bam happily replied. "Actually after a few minutes of my arrival, Khun came up to me and we started talking. Soon after we became allies and friends!"

"I wish that was how my team met." The dork muttered and slumped down. "Such a nice way to start a friendship."

"That's not the whole team you know. For Rak we basically had to force him otherwise we could all possibly die from the hands of a Knight, he's an idiot." I chuckled.

"Hey! I can hear you blue turtle!" Rak yelled at me again.

Shibisu shifted in his seat. "So, what have you guys come to the Island for?" 

I winced, I prefer not talking speaking about that specific subject. Especially not her.

"I'm looking for someone!" Bam thankfully talked first. "Her name is Rachel. She has yellow hair, yellow eyes, and lots of freckles like you! By any chance, have you seen her?"

The dork shook his head. "Sorry, I've never heard of that name around here or seen a girl like that. Ask more people, I hope you do find her though."

Bam's face lit up. "Oh Khun! I forgot, you told me that you would explain what a Knight is! Can you do that now?"

Shibisu looked at Bam with a surprised face. "You don't know what a Knight is?"

"Yeah, that's how I reacted at first too." I said looking at Bam with a small smile. 

"I love explaining things! I'll tell you all about the Island!" The dork told my friend with a proud face. 

Bam moved to our sofa and sat in-between both of us like a child, although he leans more to my side not giving any space between both of our thighs. To be honest, I'm glad that he's a bit cautious, I still don't trust this 'Shibisu' guy completely.

"So let's start off with the Island and how the Kingdom here started. There were 11 explorers, ten of them our now family heads, Khun is from one of them! They found the Island, but they all wanted to settle down and perhaps begin a family or life here. One of them, King Jahad, became King while the rest became Nobleman and Warriors.

"King Jahad began to think of ways to protect the civilians of the Island more and came up with the idea of 'Princesses of Jahad'. All the ten great families have to produce strong children, only girls, to become a 'Princess'. Once the girl does, they receive an injection of the King's blood to make them stronger and to be 'blood-related'. They also have to bear the name 'Jahad' because the King is now their adoptive father. There are also the Thirteen Months Series, they are basically jewelry infused with Shinsu. The Princesses have to collect all of them, although no one knows why. We suspect it's just for fame and respect.

"Now with the Hierarchy! No one is really born on the Island, when the child is about to be born, the parents are sent across the river to give birth. They raise the child till they are 8-12 years old then are forced to come back to the Island. It isn't the best, but it works. The children aren't allowed to be chosen to come to the Island till they are sixteen years old. Once they do reach the age and reach the dock, they are officially named a 'Commoner'. 

"All the people in this room are 'Commoners'. We 'Commoners' are the lowest in the rankings, therefor also the weakest. For us to advance, we have to reach the middle of the Island, everyone who reaches the middle of the Island have to drink a millilitre of Shinsu to become stronger. But, in some cases, there are some people who can control the 'Shinsu', that is very rare though.

"The ranking above us is a 'Low-Class Knight'. Above that is a regular 'Knight', they are average. Then the highest ranking in 'Knight' is a 'High-Class Knight'. The second highest ranking is 'Nobleman', or 'Warrior'. There are currently only 10 of them, since no one can be at the same level as the ten great family heads."

What? That was an interesting way to explain all of that.

I looked over to Bam to see him a sort of a daze. I snorted. "I think you explained a little too fast Shibisu."

The dork began to laugh. "Oh, sorry."

I guess that's sort of how the Island works.


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