Chapter 1: The Island

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I ran after her, the girl I desired, the girl that I longed for.

"Rachel!" I screamed out hoping she could hear my cries. "Rachel! Please don't leave me!"

We both dashed through the fields of grass as we followed a light that led the way in the dark and cold night. I knew what she was running to, the river. 

She turned around, her yellow eyes. Not a tint of regret, she knew what she was doing. Rachel gave me a small smile. "Bam, I'm sorry, I have to see the stars. I'm sick of this dark world."

Tears ran down my face. "No! Please, let me come with you at least!" I continued running after her until we reached the river Rachel always wanted to cross. 

A boat appeared before us, it was small, capable of holding two people at the most. She climbed onto the boat and sat on the seat that faced me, I was still on land.

"Pray for me, let me be reborn." Rachel lifted up her arm and waved me a goodbye. Her figure and the boat slowly started to disappeared into the fog till I couldn't make out anything.

"Rachel!" I screamed, I fell onto my knees while the tears wouldn't stop coming out. 

Soon after a light formed above me, I glanced up and another boat was coming closer to shore. 


"Bam?" The freckled girl asked as she played with my short brown hair. 

I turned around with a curious look. "Is there something wrong?"

"Have I ever told you of the Island across the river we always go to?" Rachel asked. She continued to untangle my hair.

"No...Are you going to tell me a story! I love your stories!" I said excitedly with a smile.

Rachel chuckled. "This one isn't a story, it is real. Come here Bam," She patted on her lap and I laid my head on it while I looked up at to Rachel, eagerly waiting for her to speak.

"Every week twenty people are chosen to cross the river to reach the Island with a magical boat, no one knows who controls it. There is also a mysterious guide that is also on the boat, this guide is said to help and tell you about the Island. Although, only the people that are worthy of living that life are welcome." She looked down at me with a big smile. "Bam, one day I want to be able to reach that Island!"

I laughed and said. "I'm sure you can, you can do anything Rachel!" 

She ruffled my hair. "Yes, I hope so. I'm going to see the stars one day." 


A boat? Why are there two of them? 

I got up from my knees and wiped my tears with my sleeves. I walked closer to the shore and saw a strange creature standing at the edge of the boat. 

It had long white ears that pointed upwards and a black, slit like structure that has narrow eyes, the white ears are familiar. Kind of like a rabbit? Interesting.

"Hello child, why did you call the boat?" The creature spoke.

Call? I called the boat? I didn't even say anything.

"What do your mean? How did I call the boat?" I asked.

The slit structure began to separate revealing teeth, is this his mouth or eyes? I'm confused.

"Hmmm....fascinating, come on the boat I have much to tell you." The creature held out one of his hands, or what I think it is, to me while the other was holding a golden staff with blue and teal orbs on either side.

I climbed onto the boat and sat down on one of the seats, I faced this creature with curiosity.

Who is this creature? Is this the creature Rachel told me about, the guide that helps and welcomes people onto the Island? 

"Um, excuse me but what exactly are you?" I asked.

It's head turned to me slightly as he continued to row the boat. "I am Headon, the guide and the caretaker of the path to the Island."

"Oh so you are the guide that she told me about!" I exclaimed. Did this mean that I'm going to the island? I can meet Rachel again!

"Mr. Bam, what do you desire? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Power and influence? Revenge? Or to transcend all such things?" Headon said.

I immediately answered. "I just want to be with Rachel again." 

"Rachel? Are you looking for her?" The creature questioned me.

"Yes, she left right before me not long ago on another boat." I said looking out into the foggy river, it was still night time. "I want to see her again." 

Headon looked at me, it seems that he was analyzing me, trying to understand why I would do all these things for a simple girl.

"Rachel was the only who came to see me from the light, she taught me everything, without her, I don't know who I would be." I said. "She is everything that I am."

The creature smirked, "Fascinating." 

Headon continued rowing with his staff? How is that possible?

Soon after I saw a faint shadow of land, it must be the Island. We were getting closer and closer to it, I couldn't help but feel anxious. What if Rachel isn't there? 

I could see lights and silent chatter coming from the Island, there was people, many people. I stood up to get a better view, it seemed so lively over there, so much more happiness that radiated from the land than where Rachel and I previously lived.

We arrived to the Island and I saw many more boats, at least 15 of them. How many people were taken across? 

I came out of the boat and took my first step onto the island.

"I sincerely welcome you to the Island, Mr. Bam."


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