Chapter 9: The Princess Pt.2

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~Flashback brought to you by No pov

The princess from the Ha family, the best fighter among her sister came down with her foot hitting the face of Bam.

"Hey, kid. What do you think you are doing? The Island isn't the place for you."  Yuri Jahad said.

Bam rubbed his forehead that was now red. "U-um who are you?"

Yuri looked at the kid with a shocked face. "You don't know who I am?"

"No? U-uh what's your name?" The browned haired boy asked.

The princess scoffed. "Yuri Jahad. I'm a Princess of Jahad."

Bam blinked three times. "I'm sorry, I don't think I recognize your name."

"What?! The name 'Jahad'! Doesn't it ring a bell?!" Yuri yelled at Bam. How dare he disrespect a princess like this!

"I'm sorry!" The boy raised his arms up to protect himself afraid that the tall lady would hit him.

Yuri turned around arms crossed and looked at Headon. "This boy can't possibly go onto the boat-"

"Princess! Don't run off like that!" A short man with silver hair came running towards the group with a large bag on his back. "Why do you want to involve yourself with an uncommoner?!" 

She faced Evan that was now panting in-front of her. "I got bored."

"T-that's no-" Another breath. "excuse! What would your father say?"

With that sentence a fist came down on the top of the silver-haired mans head. "Well, then don't tell him!"

Evan grunted from the impact. "Fine, but don't do this again. I can't keep covering for you!" 

Yuri turned back to Headon again. "What I was trying to say before Evan interrupted me is that this boy isn't fit to go to the Island." 

"And what are you going to do about it, Yuri Jahad?" The guide of the boat asked the woman. 

"Well, then make him stronger! He won't survive the test once he reaches the dock."  She said.

Headon chuckled. "If your so keen on letting this boy live, why don't you help him yourself? I'm sure that a specific item is in your hands right now, give it to him."

"What? Are you crazy?! It could kill the boy if he were able to activate it!" Evan exclaimed.

"Alright. I'll lend it to him."

The guide gaped at the princess. "No, don't do that Princess! What would happen if your father were to find out!"

"Eh, it's alright. He'll let me off the hook if he did, plus you would be there to cover for me." Yuri smirked at Evan.

He sighed. "Fine, do whatever you want, I can't stop you."

The lady with red eyes walked towards Bam. "I'm going to lend you my Black March, it's a necklace reinforced with Shinsu. These kinds of items are only given to the Princesses of Jahad that are worthy of wielding such power. It will make you stronger. Once you reach the Island and pass the first test, I'll take it back. Is that understood?"

Bam nodded his head quickly. "Are you sure?"

Yuri shrugged. "Who knows, but if you don't give it back I'll kill you."

"U-uh alright!" The boy's eyes went wide after hearing the word 'kill'. "I'll take good care of it!"

The princess gave him a smirk. "Great! Now get on the boat...hotty."

"Right!" Bam jumped onto the boat and looked back at Yuri and waved good-bye. "Thank you again for letting me borrow it!"

"It's no problem." The lady said, although it wasn't loud enough for the boy to hear.

Evan walked to Yuri till he stood beside her, the height gap very visible. "Princess, is this love at first sight? Why do you trust him so much that he'll survive?"

"I have no delusional hopes Evan, I just...took a liking to the boy." Yuri answered.

~End of Flashback brought to you by

"So kid, where's my Black March?" Yuri asked Bam.

"Black March?!" Khun said out of surprise. "Are you a Princess of Jahad?!"

The princess looked at Bam with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, so you didn't tell your friends?"

Bam looked at Khun and Rak with guilt on his face. "Yeah, sorry guys. I didn't know if I should or not, Yuri said that it was special, so I wasn't sure."

"It's fine, but why would you give him something like that?" Khun asked the princess.

"Because he's special of course." 


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