Chapter 2: The Blue Man

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Bam Pov

The Island was beautiful, it's sort of what I imagined Rachel would want. It was now morning and the sun was peaking over the trees, magnificent.

I strolled down the dock further, many people of all kinds were gathered here. I wonder what they are wishing for, or what they came here for.

The dock was big with palm trees surrounding it from all sides while leaving a little pathway open, I figured it must be the gate into the inner Island. 

There were many birds flying above us, I've never seen so many and I'm not even sure what kind of birds they were. They were very pretty though.

I looked around at the people, they weren't exactly happy? Shouldn't they be? They are finally on the Island, why aren't they already content? And I have to say not all of them were human, or at least I don't think so.

"Hey, you just got here right?" I heard a smooth voice coming from behind me.

I turned around to see a man, a little taller than me with silvery blue hair and deep blue eyes. He had a paler complexion than most and he was wearing dress pants, dress shirt, and a black tie. He had a dark blue bandanna tied around a piece of his hair too. The man was also carrying a brown suitcase.

"Uh y-yes? I don't know? I-I think?" I stuttered out, he was the first person to talk to me, and he didn't seem to be unhappy too unlike the rest.

The man chuckled, his voice was smooth but not exactly deep either, it sounded comforting. "No need to be so nervous, my name is Khun Aguero Agnis, you can just call me Khun. Nice to meet you." 

"I-I'm The 25th Bam, and you can just call me Bam! Nice to meet you too!" I smiled.

"25th? Does that stand for something?" Khun walked towards a bench near by and took a seat, I sat beside him and nodded my head.

"It was the night that Rachel found me." I said looking at the blue haired boy, I liked his hair, was it natural?

He glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. "Rachel? What is she your girlfriend or something?" He laughed out another one of his smooth chuckles.

"No, it's more like I belong to her-" 

"What? Belong?" Khun interrupted. He looked surprised, after a few seconds he calmed down. "Do you know where she is?" 

"No, I don't. But I need to find her." I said.

He turned towards me and smiled, how is everything he does so comforting? Everyone else is scary and so tense, yet he....he's so calm, like he knows everything. "I like you, say why don't we become allies? Or friends? Either one is fine." 

I looked at him with a big smile. "Yes! I would love to be your friend!" 

"Great, let's shake on it." Khun held out one of his hands, it seems that every part of his body was pale. I took his hand and it was soft, very soft. It made me slightly insecure knowing how rough mine are. 

I met his eyes and he softly smiled, then in a sudden movement I was yanked forward and was centimetres apart from the tip of his nose. Mine was almost touching his.

We were very close, but it gave me a closer view of his face. Khun's skin was very smooth, not a single bump or scratch. His eyes were much prettier, it was just dark blue without another colour with it. Khun's lips had a soft pink glow to it and were slim. I liked his hair the most, it was straight and was right below his chin, it was shiny too. 

He was so pretty, it made me feel even more insecure of how I looked. 

"Don't betray me okay? If you do I won't have any other choice but to kill you." His face changed into a more menacing and serious look.

I shook my head. "W-why would I do that? You were the first person that was kind to me other than Rachel. I'm really grateful." 

Khun let got of my hand and backed away, I silently gasped realizing that I held my breath the entire time. He slightly turned towards me, crossing his legs while his arm kept him up on the back of the bench.

"You keep talking about this Rachel girl, why is she so important to you?" Khun asked.

Should I tell him everything? We only just met. But we are friends now, so it should be alright.

"Rachel is the only one that cared for me. I was once very lonely in a dark, dark cave. She came to me despite how terrible the place where I was living was. Rachel taught me everything she knew, she taught me how to speak, read, write, and how to take care of myself. Without her I wouldn't be here in the first place. I wouldn't even know this place exist!" I gazed at Khun and he was still attentively listening. So I continued.

"Rachel always wanted to come here, it was her biggest dream. But, one day a bright light, sort of like an orb shone in front of her and she chased it leaving me behind. It brought her to the river where we had to cross to reach the Island. I didn't want her to leave, so instead I asked if I could come with her, although she refused and told me that it isn't a place for someone as innocent as me to be there." I looked down at my hands and played with my fingers. 

"Khun?" I said.

He nodded his head. "What is it?" 

I asked him the question I wanted the answer for. "What did she mean by that? Why can't I be on the Island?" 

He shifted his body so that his back was slouching and Khun looked up into the sky. "I'll tell you later once we get into the Island, right now isn't the time." 

I frowned. "Oh, okay." 

Khun looked at me and chuckled. "Don't look like that! I said I'll tell you later, besides we could be going in at any moment." 

"Sorry!" I giggled. 

After we both finished laughing, the entire dock fell silent as a shadow of a man was seen walking down the path.


My Paradise//KhunBam Tower of GodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant