Chapter 13: The Second Test

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I'm still alive.

Khun Pov

The other commoners from the second arena were weird, they haven't spoken a word to each other ever since they arrived and constantly hid themselves from us to see what they looked like. We were going to have to see them eventually, so what was the point of wasting so much effort?

I sighed and leaned back onto the sofa, my thighs were getting numb from sitting for so long and the weight of Bam's head on them. The Knight, I think his name from what I recall is Lero Ro, said we would begin the second test in the morning. 

My eyes were slightly heavy due to the lack of sleep, although if I did fall asleep no one would be able to make sure Bam wouldn't get hurt. I don't trust the 'gator though since he himself has fallen asleep as well.

I blinked my eyes, I was seeing black dots, what time is it now? Lifting up my watch, it read 4:24a.m. Great, we are about to go and I'm almost going to black out. I never really pulled an all-nighter, they weren't healthy and I needed to be in good health in order to advance in the Island.

Bam shifted slightly in my lap before opening his golden eyes, they stared right into mine, tiredness evident. 

"Khun? Why-" Yawn. "are you still awake?" He asked me.

I chuckled. "Well, someone needs to keep an eye-out in case something happens."

He softly hummed and rubbed his left eye. He rolled onto his back and faced directly at me. "You should sleep."

"No, I'm alright." I answered.

"But, it's not healthy for you to stay awake for the entire time!" Bam lightly scolded me without raising his voice too much because the others were asleep too. I'm glad he realized that, otherwise we would've cause a racket.

"Don't worry about me Bam, are you still sleepy? Are you hungry?" I reached over to my bag and took out one of the copied chocolate bars. "Here, eat something."

He shook his head. "No, I'm fine Khun. You sleep, I'll keep an eye-out."

I frowned and raised an eyebrow. I hate to admit it, but as far as I'm concerned he wouldn't be able to protect me at all. He might be able to at least shout and wake me up, after that I would have to be the one doing the fighting.

"Are you completely sure you'll be able to handle it?" I asked him as if he were a small child.

Bam sat up and nodded his head. "Yes! Now sleep, you can use me as a pillow!"

He gently grabbed my head and pulled me onto his lap. "I order you to sleep!"

I nodded my head, tiredness overwhelming me. The warmth that he gave off and the sense of comfort that radiated throughout his body made me relax into the sofa. 

Perhaps I should trust him a bit more. With that thought, my brain shut-down and I let my body fall asleep.





I heard yelling and opened my eyes as they soon came into focus. 

Bam face was hovering over my head and his hand was gently shaking my shoulder. Was it already time to wake up? Damn, is felt like 30 minutes.

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