Chapter 5

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He was sitting on the window seat, staring outside, while drowning deep in thoughts of you. Thinking how everything was when you both were young. When you both were best friends when you used to play with him, thinking how cute you looked while laughing and giggling, thinking about the days he used to be a prince and save his princess from Dragon.

Now, thinking how much you have grown. how much mature you are now. you used to be almost the same before, your mind ahead of your age. You always acted like you were a girl who holds some experience more than others of your same age. You acted like you have faced every problem on earth and you won't mind if any came in your way. You were wise. Yes, you for sure were far beyond your age.

But now, seeing you, you seemed more mature to him. You have grown into one fine woman. Your rosy pale skin, your perfect grey eyes, your long finely curved eyelashes, your rounded cupid's bow and lastly your pink, soft, small lips. You seemed to be a living epitome of an angel from heaven to him. And you sure were beautiful. But what mattered to him more was your pure heart and soul. He praised the way you tried to hold everything in despite the sudden appearance of your loved ones in your life. Seeing you not acting like a child by throwing tantrums in their way but calmly speaking to them. Apart from the fact that you raised your voice once. But he knew that was justified. Also, you eventually calmed yourself. The way you controlled your anger and broken state without them knowing, seemed to him as if the girl in front of him was someone who has already experienced everything in her life.

When they reached the hospital you were taken to the emergency ward. The rest stayed outside the room. Your ex-best friend was pacing back and forth in front of your room. Your brother was sitting on the bench impatiently tapping his foot. The rest were scattered in the hallway occupying the benches placed there and waiting patiently even if they were not able to comprehend anything happening around them.

Jungkook stood up and walked towards the boy in a panicked state who was pacing back and forth in the hallway frantically, placing his hand on his shoulder, "Everything will be alright, Hyung. Don't worry. Just sit down or else you'll feel tired later. Just have faith. She'll be alright."

Jungkook smiles and gave his shoulder a little squeeze to assure him.

The elder smiles, "Alright".

He then takes the empty seat beside your brother. Elbow resting on upper thighs, face in his hands, he deeply sighs.

Then he says, "It's all my fault and I can't do anything about it."

Pain is clear in his tone.

"It's not only your fault Hyung but mine too. She didn't deserve what she went through and is still in the same position of suffering."

"I know." your brother releases a sigh. Then the doctor comes out and says, "The patient is in good condition now."

"Can we see her?" your ex-best friend says.

"Not now. She is resting. Let her be." Doctor

"Okay. But when can she go home?" he again asks impatiently.

"Whenever she feels okay she can leave. After she wakes up we will run some tests to check her vitals and if we feel that she is completely fine and good to go, she can leave." Doctor

"Thank you, sir. But, what happened to her?" This time it was your brother who asked the doctor while trying to be patient.

"Due to stress, her breathing became heavy and she is already suffering from asthma, so, I guess she was not able to use her inhaler and it led to this condition of her. but don't worry she is totally fine now. I will prescribe some medicines for now and make sure she keeps her inhaler with her." Doctor

"Alright. Thank you, doctor," he replied.

"No problem. Here, take this." The doctor then handed over the slip, on which the prescription of medicines was written. He smiles and then leaves.

"I just hope she wakes up soon."


Double update y'all.
Swipe up and sorry for being late. ♥️


Sorry if any errors. :)))

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