Part 6.5:The initiation

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Here is the another part of the story, i'm going to focus a lot on the fights, so i think that this may be one of my best parts in my opinion. Hope you like it.





3rd person POV.

(Y/N) and Lucy just landed to the ground after the help of a giant snake summoned by Lucy's Madaras Whistle, the forest was dense, and dangerous, but it's something that hunters are familiar with. They were surrounded by some Ursas and Beowolves

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N):"That was easy, but i got a small scratch at my shoulder. And i'm out of blood vials, do you have any?." i asked to Lucy who was with her back leaning on mine back watching for any movements of the beasts.

Lucy:"I'm out of it either, we need to get back to the dream, last time we couldn't get any." she said to me. "but surely we can go through this challenge without a getting a hit" she said with an incentivating smile, as she puts her hunter mask.

(Y/N):"You're right, we fought harder challenges than this aberrance of creatures." i said as i put my cainhurst helmet. "Let's kill some beasts" i said as i sprinted to a bear like creature.

I jumped to get a strong and clear hit to it's head, the creature moved a bit faster than me and managed to almost get i hit with it's claws, exposing his belly, with the abilitys of the old hunters, i went faster to the ground, and slashed the stomach with a low to up atack with my chikage, devastating it and making a blood flush all through the open stomach, leaving the creature dead, two wolves came to me, one of them jumped to hold me, the other one was coming pretty fast from my other side, i grabbed my piercing rifle, and used it to stab the one that jumped onto me in the torso, preventing any atack and immobilizing the creature, i saw the other one coming closer, i used the body of the one pierced by my rifle as a shield, the running one atacked the body of the almost dead wolf, just when i shooted right into the mouth of that one, and the pierced wolf going with the arpoon, both of the wolves was stuck together on the tree.

(Y/N):"That was a bit easy, but i won't let my guard down." i said to my self. Just when i saw Lucy decapitating the bear like, in the side was a skull smashed wolf and the other bear was going to acatck her as she just kicked the jaw, dislocating it, she grabbed it's jaw and started to push it, making the flesh tear apart, with its tongue hanged, the creature falled to the ground because of the huge amout of pain.

Ozpin's POV

Glynda:"They're very brutal to the grimms, do you think that would be good to have them at Beacon?" Glynda asked me concerned.

Ozpin:"They might be brutal, but that's the way they learned, here they will learn some new things and adapt others." i said to her, as we were reaching to beacon with the 8 participants who ended simultaneously.

Ruby:"Mr. Ozpin, what happened to (Y/N) and Lucy?" she asked concerned.

Ozpin:"their catapults did't work, so they had to wait until it's fixed." i said to her.

Yang:*Phew*"I thought they died, now i'm relieved, are they doing well?" she asked.

Ozpin:"Why don't you see by your self?" i said while pointing to the screen who was showing the two in the forest.

Blake:"Is that 6 grimms? and one of them is without the jaw?" She asked a bit horrified.

Yang:"That seems badass as f*ck" she said as she sitted on a tabble.

A madman in the other world (bloodborne male reader in RWBY's World.)Where stories live. Discover now