Part 2: A foreing one

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Here is the second part of our story, hope you all like it, and sorry i am late to bring this one, i wanted to make this yesterday but i was a little lazy. Sorry again.

"__" Conversations

'__' thoughts



3rd person POV

It was silent as moments ago, but (Y/N) couldn't care less about this, the only thing tha is important now, is to get safetly to the dream. The twilight was beautiful at the sight, but we all know that the worse, comes at night. Lucy' was asleep as being carried like a bride by (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV

I belive that i can make my way there until the nightfall, i just hope that i don't get find by any beast or a damn executioner, and i can just go a little faster, but not too much, i don't want her to wake up, i start to increase the pace a little, neither too slow nor too fast.

(Y/N):"it must be somewhere around here." i whispered to my self as silent as possible, looking around to find the lamp.

The night falls, and the lamps around started to get lighten up the street, weirdly, they all went lit at the exact same time, not a second late or in advence, i knew that this was a bad sign, i started to increase the pace even more, at the point that i was running, the door behind me started to open, revealing the yharnam citizens, 'this is bad' i thought, soon they noticed me.

???:"A damn beast!!!" one of them yelled getting his axe in hand.

???2:"Lets open his stomach, and put him as the others" another said getting his rifle and shooted at me and hitted in my shoulder.

'dammit' i thought trying to hold Lucy still, 'hopefully this didn't get any vital vein'.'Wait, how she didn't awake from the rifle sound, it seems she is a heavy dreamer. Then, i can go even faster' I thought my self as my speed increased, easing myself to dodge the bullets.

???:"let's get this damn beast once and for all" the yharnamite said running towards me.

I was running when an ideia came to my mind.'if they want me so badly, then i hope they are prepered for my weapons' i thought just when i put Lucy above my shoulder, just when i took a delayed rope molotov, and just dropped to my behind, knowing that the beast are dumb enought to not avoid it.

When the yharnamite gave  few more steps he heard a *tic tic tic* not knowing what is that sound, he just prefered to ignore it, just when the final TIC came and exploded on fire, scaring lots of citizens and killing at least 3 of them and making second degree burn on a several amount of them.

*phew*'i got rid of them, now its going to be easier, i just need to find a blue colored light.' i thought with a releaf, but i need to find this lamp now.

Timeskip brought to you by the moonpresence being petted by Ruby

After a half hour i managed to find the lamp, kneeling in front of it with Lucy in my embrace, the menssengers started to grab my legs and pulled me to the ground, transporting us to the hunter's dream, the hole made by the bullet on my shoulder was starting to heal it up as i breathe the sweet and cold air of the dream, walking up to put Lucy on her bed, i came across to find the doll.

Doll:"Hello good hunter, what happened to her?" she asked concerned

(Y/N):"hi there Doll, she just needed a rest, thats why we came earlier" i explained to her

A madman in the other world (bloodborne male reader in RWBY's World.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ