Moving In With Him

Start from the beginning

I tilt my head down as heat rise my cheeks. "Well, I'm excited too. I love it here but it'll be nice to be out of the castle for a bit."

"I bet."

After a couple minutes of waiting, Jack and Elsa return down the steps. Elsa walks over to us as Jack walks over and grabs the rest of his bags. We both smile to Elsa and watch as Jack struggles to carry the last of his bags up the steps. I have to cover my mouth to try and cover up the laugh that wishes to escape.

"Would you two like to stay here for lunch before you head out?" Elsa asks, mainly toward Hiccup than at me.

"Of course, we can stay. I have nothing planned. Did you bud?" He looks over to Toothless who looks back with a gummy smile.

"Perfect! Then let's go out to the garden while we wait."


"Welcome to your new home for awhile." Hiccup smiles a bit as he opens the door to the house.

I smile and thank him before walking inside. Even though I've seen the place a thousand times in the past couple of weeks, I still take a moment to look around. Hiccup and Toothless come in after me before closing the door.

"So, I'm staying in Jack's old room, yes?" I ask as I look back over to Hiccup.

"Well... actually, I thought you might be more comfortable staying in my room. Plus there is space in there for Toothless to sleep with you. I'll be taking Jack's room." He explains.

"What? There's no need for you to give up your room for me." I say.

He shrugs and smiles a bit. "Well, it's already happened. The trunk your sister sent over is already up there. Besides, I know Jack, he didn't clean his room before he left. Even though there is little to clean." He chuckles.

I smile a bit as a small blush creeps upon my cheeks. "Well.... you didn't have to do that but thank you."

He nods and grabs my bags from Toothless's saddle. "I'll take your bags upstairs."

Before I have a chance to stop him, he's already heading up the stairs toward his old room. I smile a bit as I watch him. I swear Hiccup has been one of the sweetest men I've ever met. He's always a gentleman whenever I'm around him and he does such the sweetest things. One of which was give me his room. He didn't need to do that at all, I'd be just fine sleeping in the other room. But from the sound of it, there's no way I'd be able to get him to change his mind. I mean not that I don't want to sleep in Hiccup's room. I just don't want to make him think he has to switch rooms.

My thoughts are soon interrupted when I feel a slight nudge against me. I look behind me to see Toothless looking up to me with a gummy smile. I smile and start giving him a pet on the top of his head. He closes his eyes in pleasure and I swear I even hear him purr. I giggle quietly to myself as I listen to him and look over to his saddle.

"Would you like your saddle off?" I ask him.

He opens his eyes and looks to me. It takes me a moment to figure out what his answer is but soon figure out that he does. I walk over and undo the clips before taking it off and placing it next to the door. He jumps around excitedly and even gives me a lick in thanks.

I giggle at his actions. "You're welcome Toothless. Now, what should we do?" I ask almost no one in particular.

"I was actually just about to ask you that."

I look over to the steps to see Hiccup making his way back down. I smile to him as he gets to the bottom step. Even before he has a chance to put his foot on the ground, Toothless hops over to him. The two of us chuckle as he gives him a pet.

"I see you took his saddle off. Thank you." He says as he looks up to me.

"You're welcome. It's the least that I could've done since you already helped me out so much." I say.

He shrugs. "I always like to help out as much as I can, means I can be helpful."

I giggle a little bit. "You like being helpful?" I ask as he nods his head. "Well, I'll make sure to keep that in mind."

He smiles. "Alright. So, is there anything that you may want to do? I wasn't sure if you wanted to spend some time unpacking your stuff."

I think for a moment before shrugging. "There's really no need. I didn't bring a lot of stuff. Besides, I'm sure I'll be able to do it later."

He nods as he shifts his gaze and looks around the house. He stays quiet for a while before speaking. "Would you like to go for a picnic tonight?"

I look to him a bit surprised at his question. He wants to go on a picnic? With me? It's been awhile since I've been on one. It would certainly be nice to go for one again, especially with him. When I come out of my thoughts, I see him looking at me curiously. He's probably wondering what my answer is going to be. I look to him for a moment before responding.

"Yes, I'd love to."


Hello readers!!

I'm sorry if this chapter is out a bit later than it usually is! I kept getting distracted and wasn't fully sure how I wanted to write this chapter. I knew what I wanted to happen but I wasn't sure how I wanted it to happen. Does that make sense?

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm sorry if it was a bit boring. I want to try and add a little bit more action into it but I also want to try and work in a little bit more Hiccstrid for you all! This is a Hiccstrid fanfic after all and I believe you're all waiting for a certain Hiccstrid moment.

Speaking about Hiccstrid moments, I have a couple questions for all of you!

1. Now that Hiccup and Astrid are living together, what would you like to see?

2. Do you possibly want to see a Hiccstrid kiss in the next couple of chapters?

3. What would you like to see happen with the possible threat?

4. Was this chapter good or bad?

5. Anyone want to see any Jelsa moments?

Those are my questions for the day so please go ahead and answer them! I love to know your opinions on the work that I do! And speaking about work, I have a surprise for all of you!

I am going to be writing another book but before I can, I need a cover. So, instead of me coming up with a disgusting looking cover, I'm putting up a contest that gives you the chance to put your creative skills to the test! I currently have a book up called, Hiccstrid Contests where you can find more information about the upcoming contest! Please feel free to head over there and give it a read to see if you may be interested! Also, winner gets a pretty good prize!

Anyways, please remember to vote, comment, share, and follow if you haven't already! I'll do my best to follow back!!

I love you all and thank you!!


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