First Day Complaints

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Hiccup's P.O.V.


I look at them with awe as Jack is surprised and shocked. His facial expression explains it all, plus he's speechless for the first time in his life.

"Dragons? What makes you think that?" He asks once he can speak again.

"They're a variety of colors! They are bigger than birds and they have scales on them. Plus they're at least 10 different types here." I explain.

"How do you know all this?" He asks.

"Dragons are my favorite mystical creature Jack! You should know this! My room is filled with drawings and books and stuff about dragons!"

"That's right, I swear that's the only thing you think about."

"It's not the only thing I think about Jack." I defend.

"I know, but you think about it a lot. you even bought a blanket with a dragon on it!" He says.

"Yea, so?" I ask. "Whats wrong with that?"

"Apparently nothing!" He groans.

"Come on, we have to check into the visitor center." I pick up my bags and start walking towards the town square with Jack behind me.

"Hey dude! Wait up!!" He shouts after me, scrambling to grab his bags and running after me.

"Then hurry up slow poke!" I shout back, chuckling.

We walk through a wooded path that leads to a small visitor center. We enter and I approach the front desk after setting my things down.

"Excuse me?" I ask, getting the ladies attention.

She looks up and spots me. "Hello, can I help you?" She asks.

"My friend and I are here on vacation for the next 3 months. Is there by chance a place for us to stay?"

"Can I have your names please?"

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and this is my friend Jackson Overland Frost." I say gesturing to the both of us.

She types something into her computer and looks through some files. "Ah, here we go!" She pulls out a file with my last name on it. Weird. She grabs a piece of paper out and hands it to me. "This is where you'll be staying. You already have some clothes for you to blend in around here. And to get the full experience, we have taken the liberty to get you jobs, that way you will blend in easier. You are only aloud to use your electronics in your home, never outside of your house." She says.

"Wait, what is this for?" Jack asks.

"Here you will get the full experience of what it's like being a viking. That means you have to get a job and wear clothing like us. You'll also learn how to cook like us and our everyday activities. You will be able to use your electronics in the comfort of your own home, but no where else. Now here's the key to your place, it's the one at the top of the hill. The one that over looks the entire village." She explains.

"Can I ask a question? What's with the dragons?" I ask.

"Dragons have been here for centuries. They won't harm you, we live in piece with them. So, if you would like, you are aloud to train a dragon."

"Really? Thanks!" I smile.

"You're welcome! Now I hope you enjoy your stay here on Winged Island." She goes back to doing her work as Jack and I get our stuff and head out.

We walk down a path that leads to a village. We see kids running around with some baby dragons while some others are playing with each other. Some people walk around and chat while others carry buckets with other or other things.

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