Loud, Rude & aggressive

Start from the beginning

"So whatever freaks that want to get in touch can know your name and a way to get ahold of you- That is what you want right? For someone to tell you they want you?" Mick shifted. "Yea. Um Mars, Mick Mars."

"Alright Mr.  Mars, and the number?"

"I don't - Um have a phone." The man sighed. "Well how do you expect to hear anything?" Mick groaned looking around. "Just- Say that to um- Here." Mick pulled a paper his way and grabbed a pen from the cup on the desk. He quickly wrote a number down, before pushing it the mans way.

"Thats the number of the apartment owner.  He could let me know something."

"You homeless?" A woman behind him in line asked. "I- None of your business. We done?" He asked looking back at the man. "Just the mone-." Mick put the change he had been saving on the counter and walked away.

"Alright then. It should be in by the next issue- And hes gone, hello what can I do for you?" The man asked the next customer.

Mick slammed his car door shut and sighed. He glanced at his glove compartment, before muttering a reply to the woman in the building. "No-Not anymore." He grinted his teeth and sqeezed the wheel. He had been homeless for years and just got into a crummy place, but it was his none the less, he just wished he could have his child there with him. Before he started his old beat up car and started out of the lot he looked once again at the glove box.

He knew there was no chance at seeing her, or having anything he dreamed coming true. He forced his eyes out of the windshield and started on the road.

Next month would mark his daughters ninth birthday, he hasn't seen her in years, he doubted that she even knew who he was. She most likely believes that hes dead - And there were times that he wished he was.

His back was overbearing and he knew it would never get any better. He knew he wasnt loved and that if he say died in a car crash at that exact moment, no one in the world would really care. Because Robert Deal turned Mick Mars had no one.

No one he loved or anyone to give him any kind of small love in return. Thats all he ever got, shitty partners.

Cheaters, manipulators and just all around vile demons. By this piint he hated the thought of a woman. He hated the seer idea of sex with one, because all that happned after was heart break and lies.

At the next red light he glanced at the glove box again. Reaching over amd i to it be puller out the small hand gun he'd kept in the divorce. Her words- Use it. What a wonderful woman his ex- wife was.

The bitch...

A horn honking made him drop the gun in the passinger seat. With one final glance at the weapon, he floored it, on his way to his empty, dark apartment.

Sometimes he wished he had a real love. Someone to wake up with. Someone who loved him as much as he them. But it never worked out before- So why would 1981 be any different?

Fifteen day had passed and Micks landlord brought news of a phone call for a Mick Mars.

He was told the address and got ready as fast as possible. This band would mean extra momey that he really needed. He wanted to get a phone and actually have money for gas and food.

His job wasnt cutting it anymore, hell it never was.

"Who are the chicks?" Mick asked the teenager that was helping him pack his amp up the appartment steps. The kid claimed to be a drummer, but Mick wasnt so sure.

Two girls stood there. A blond with blue eyes, not micks type amd a brown eyed, dark haired girl that made something twist inaide of him. Something he hadnt felt in years, maybe ever.

The blond scaffed. "Im not a chick you blind old fucker!" Mick blinked hiding his surpise. Oops.

The boy stomped inside the apartment. "Thats my buddy Vince." The other person started laughing and Mick melted right there. "Well he looks like a lady." Mick muttered as his eyes stayed locked on the laughing girl.

"Thats a chick. Shes Rebs." Tommy said with a look in his eyes. He could tell that Mick was lost.

"Look Princess, why don't you just pack up your dollys and toys and go home. Theres only room in this vand for one guitarist and Thats me!" Mick barked at the teenager. Nikki avoided eye contact aith his 'baby ' cousin. Tommy watched heart broken as her face morphed into pain, and Vince was loving the show.

"Your not good enough. So just go." The guilt he felt seeing the pain flash in her eyes killed him. Mick never felt guilt.

"I can play! I am in the band and I-." He shook his head. "No Princess your not. Just because your sleeping with Nikki-."

"Gross man, hes my stupid cousin!" She snapped. "Nikki, tell him i am in the band!" Mick watched as everyone avoud her and that also killed him.

"So your taking this old guys side over me!" She screamed. Mick squeezed the neck of his guitar tighter.

When he found her at the party he was ready to kill the man that had her like that. He wished, at least some small part of his brain wished that he was the man. He watched as she squirmed as the drunks hands ran over her butt and hips.

When he was pushed, it just reminded him of two things.

One: His spin was a mess.

And two: He wasnt young and he wasnt a man to be loved.

In the bathroom with her after it took all he had not to take her right there as the steam filled the room. He wanted her so much that it actually scared him.

He had to masterbate just to hide that fact from everyone.

As time went on his jealousy won and he had to do something. He hated so many men hitting on her. She was hi- She wasnt his and that hurt him she was what hed wanted and needed for so long, yet he was afraid to make any kind of move.

He wasnt right for her, no matter how right she was for  him.

Then she just had to barge into his crummy appartment like that all sexy and pissed off about wbat hed had tommy do.

Seeing ber marked by someone was it in the end.

And he got a little rough. He could see both the fear and want in her eyes when he yanked her to the couch .

Then it happened.

The best night of his life.

He bad her. He bad love. He bad what he always deamed of.

Then he heard the news, he was going ti be a father again???

Everything seemed to happen so fast. The band, Rebel, a baby, finding hid daughter and a decord deal.

Maybe life was worth living.

But he knew deep down that he would t always feel the love and joy he did in 81.

He was still depressed, he was still in pain and he still had his demons screaming in his head.

But as long as he bad his children, princess and band of idiots, he would survive.

Without Rebel Marie Mars. Mick knew he would have pulled that trigger and ended it all.

And no one would have cared....

But now if he did, he knew who sould care and hurting them- Her would never be a thing he would even consider.


Without you in my life I'd surely die......

That was the first lyerics Mick wrote in rehap for his princess amd it would end up becoming one hell of a love song witht a whole lot a trust behind it.

Sorry its not more. I tried. Working ten hours is getting to me. I don't have the time I used to for my books sadly. Also sorry that not everything matched up with the first book. Going from memory here lol.

Night guys.

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